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            wraps at the top and bottom ), while your selector is bringing up another pallet, or your loader is placing a previously
            wrapped pallet on the truck.  When the wrap is complete, the operator just walks the robot to the next pallet, attaches
            the film, and pushes the button.  Then he's off to pull another pallet, or load the truck.

            Here is a short list of additional benefits that are possible in your operation by using the robot stretch machine:

              l Reduces the film cost to wrap a pallet by up to 65% over hand wrap.
              l Eliminates damaged and partially used hand wrap rolls.
              l Increases productivity by 25 - 35%.
              l Every pallet is now wrapped just the way you want them wrapped.
              l Helps to reduce overtime.
              l Reduces workers comp claims
              l Reduces shipping damage that was the result of poorly wrapped pallets.
              l Increases worker morale by cutting back on having to hand wrap every pallet.
              l Pays for itself over time with film savings.,

            If you are interested in learning more about the Wulftec Palwrapper Robot, or other ways to control and reduce your
            cost to wrap; we will be happy to try to answer any questions you may have.  Just hit the red button below and ask.

                                   Coming Next... How to wrap pallets that need to breathe.

             Footnote: Last week the Inside Scoop looked at the subject of reverse auctions.  I received several interesting
            responses from readers including one who stated that if one of their customers took their business out for an internet
            bid, their policy is not to take place in the auction at all.  I think he would be interested to know that this is actually the
            policy of a growing number of manufacturers who are refusing to participate in internet auctions for all of the reasons
            stated in the article and more.

            file://C:\Documents and Settings\William Jackson\My Documents\Northwoods Software\M...      2/5/2007
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