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To: Inside Scoop Reader
Not All 47 Gauge Stretch Film Is Equal
As you know, I am an advocate for new technology stretch films that are thinner and stronger than traditional films. I have
seen success after success as grocery companies, foodservice warehouses, and distribution centers have moved from traditional
80 gauge 18" x 1,500' hand wrap to the new technology ( R410 / PX ) hand wrap in 12 micron ( 47 gauge ) 18" x 1,500'. The
savings can be substantial. Both films are 18" x 1,500' and will do the same load containment for you. Well not really, the 12
micron R410 / PX does it better. Back to the point, the 80 gauge 18" x 1,500' weighs in at 34.6 lbs per case net film, while the
R410 / PX which is the same width and footage weighs in at 20.4 lbs. Think about that! We take 14.2 lbs out of the case, and
the film gives you a better wrap on the pallet, while saving you whatever the price per pound is times 14.2 lbs. Even with the
R410 / PX selling for a higher cents per pound because it uses better resins and processing, I have seen savings as much as $
10.00 a case by changing to the new technology hand wrap.
Since Pliant established the new benchmark with it's introduction of R410 / PX, a number of competitors have tried to duplicate
it as closely as possible. They also market a 12 micron ( 47 gauge ) 18" x 1,500' or 16" x 2,000' just like R410 / PX. However
the films are not the same. Almost any stretch film manufacturer can produce a thin film out of the same materials from
which they make the thicker films. That does not give it the enhanced properties. Some of these imitations come close in
certain aspects of the film, but none of them can give the same performance level. Some of these "I can do it too" films have
problems with splitting and tearing; or have a heavy unwind off the roll that slows down productivity; or with cling not being
there when you need it on the cold side of the warehouse; or poor load containment from baggy, stretchy film. I think the thing
that sets R410 / PX aside from the competition, in addition to its formulation and process, is the exacting dedication to quality
throughout the manufacturing process. The "I can do it too" films just don't have this kind of consistent quality. And we are
all aware that film quality issues in the warehouse result in disgruntled workers, and lower productivity. Ok, you can buy the "I
can do it too" films at a lower price that R410 / PX, but just don't buy too much as you might find that the quality is not the
same, and it may not be worth a few pennies savings on the price.
Bonus Time
A few weeks ago while flying home, the person next to me asked what I do. I replied
that I save people money on their packaging. He said he was in the same business, he
saved people money on their warehouse lighting. After some time we finally got
together for that lunch we promised to have, and I learned that there are cost
savings to be had in the warehouse on things besides stretch film. I thought you
might like to have the opportunity to take a look at this yourself. Just by changing
your lighting in the warehouse, you can improve productivity, and reduce your spend
for electricity by up to 50%. If you would like to know more, just click on the
warehouse picture to the left and a file will open on your computer with all the
information needed.
Click the image above to learn how to This PDF file may also be downloaded from the Inside Scoop Filing Cabinet
reduce your spend for electricity!
file://C:\Documents and Settings\William Jackson\Local Settings\Temp\tmpAD.htm 11/29/2006