Page 133 - MayJunReg2020
P. 133

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     TRAUMACARE                                                HOMEOVET HOMEOPATHIC DROPS                            W
     493172  Traumacare Pain Relief Cream ..................... 50g tube  12 553660   12.99         B
     493173  Traumacare Pain Relief Cream ..........................100 g  12 552397   19.99         B  BROKERED BY  Ultimate Sales Canada, Reveal Canada Inc.
     493174  Traumacare Tablets ....................................... 60 tabs  12 552373   7.19         B
     493176  Traumacare Drops ............................................30 ml  12 717765   7.19         B   (800) 556-0824
     493177  Traumacare Cold Sores .........................................7g  12 722349   9.79         B
     493178  Traumacare Sports Gel ........................................50g  12 737633   12.99         B     SAVE UP TO 5%   LINE DRIVE MAY & JUN
     493179  Traumacare Spray ...........................................130ml  12 768781   8.99         B
     493952  Traumacare Cream 50gm Display .......................9 pc   1 760860  116.91  10%  B  105.22  B  Buy 6 units of any one product, get 10% off,Buy 12 units of any one product, get 15% off
     493953  Traumacare Gel 50gm Display ............................9 pc   1 760877  116.91  10%  B  105.22  B
     493954  Traumacare Display .................................................1   1 779916  274.58  15%  B  233.39  B
         Traumacare counter display holds 22 pieces. 4 Traumacare Spray,6 Traumacare Cream
         50g , 4 Traumacare Cream 100g , 4 Traumacare Gel 50g , 2 Traumacare Tablets , 2
         Traumacare Drops
     KIDS 0-9 CREAMS
     493106  Kids 0-9 Arnica + Cream ...................................40 g  12 373886   7.09  10%  B   6.38  B
     493107  Kids 0-9 Calendula + Cream..............................40 g  12 373893   7.09  10%  B   6.38  B
     493109  Kids 0-9 MultiVitamins Gummies ...........50 gummies  12 781834   7.20  5%  B   6.84  B
     493111  Kids 0-9 Gummies Immuni + ................50 gummies  12 781827   7.20  5%  B   6.84  B
     493102  Kids 0-9 Teething Unidoses ......................... 20 x 1ml  12 803161   7.09  5%  B   6.74  B
     493105  Kids 0-9 Colic Solution  ....................................25 ml  12 216503   7.11  5%  B   6.75  M
     493108  Kids 0-9 Sinus-All-In-One .................................25 ml  12 453168   7.12  5%  B   6.76  B  HOMEOPATHIC DROPS
     493110  Kids 0-9 Earache Solution  ...............................25 ml  12 216527   7.11  5%  B   6.75  M  493875  ZenVet ..............................................................30 ml  12 592027   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493112  Kids 0-9 Homeocoksinum - Liquid Flu Buster ...25 ml  12 602108   9.96          493876  DigestVet ..........................................................30 ml  12 592003   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493113  Kids 0-9 Pain and Fever ....................................25 ml  12 022913   7.11  5%  B   6.75   493877  TraumaVet ........................................................30 ml  12 592058   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493114  Kids 0-9 Homeocoksinum Nighttime ................25 ml  12 466755   9.96         B  493878  TransportVet ......................................................30ml  12 592065   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493115  Kids 0-9 Teething Solution ................................25 ml  12 216510   7.11  5%  B   6.75  M  493879  SkinVet .............................................................30 ml  12 592010   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493117  Kids 0-9 Allergy ................................................25 ml  12 676383   7.11  5%  B   6.75   493880  RescueVet ........................................................30 ml  12 592041   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     KIDS 0-9 SYRUPS                                           493881  LustreVet ..........................................................30 ml  12 592034   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493101  Kids 0-9 Cough& Cold Herbal Syrup...............100 ml  12 752551   5.53         B  493882  FlexoVet ............................................................30 ml  12 592072   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493120  Kids 0-9 Calm Syrup 0-9 ................................100 ml  12 216602   7.11  5%  B   6.75  M  493883  Healthy Weight .................................................30 ml  12 751585   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493409  Kids 0-9 Throat Ease ......................................100 ml  12 461750   5.53         B  493884  Oral Health .......................................................30 ml  12 777035   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493410  Kids 0-9 Cough & Cold Daytime .....................100 ml  12 216619   5.53         B  493885  GastroVet .........................................................30 ml  12 751561   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493411  KIDS 0-9 Cough & Cold Nighttime ..................100 ml  12 102646   5.53         M  493886  Urinary Tract Health ..........................................30 ml  12 751578   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493412  Kids 0-9 Cough and Cold Daytime ..................250 ml  12 069284   9.49         B  493887  Ear ...................................................................30 ml  12 751592   8.96  5%  B   8.51  B
     493413  Kids 0-9 Cough And Cold Night 250ml ............250ml  12 069109   9.49         B  CONSUMER SUPPORT MATERIAL
     493414  Kids 0-9 Throat Ease syrup ............................250 ml  12 461767   9.49         B
     493921  Kids 0-9 Syrup Display ..................................... 1 unit   1 763182  148.56  10%  B  133.70  B  .493L30 Homeovet Consumer Brochure ..............................25  0
     493160  Arnica + Pain Relief Cream ................................50 g  12 600401   7.29  5%  B   6.93
     493330  Calendula + Cream ............................................50 g  12 600418   7.29  5%  B   6.93  44-(0)1473-467949
     493332  Hemorrhoid Cream ..............................................50g  12 722523   7.20  5%  B   6.84  B  Honeyrose has been making herbal cigarettes for over thirty years.
     493335  Herpes Cream ....................................................50 g  12 600432   7.29  5%  B   6.93   upc 501811
     493340  Capsicum + Cream ...........................................50 g  12 600425   7.29  5%  B   6.93   FLIP TOP
     493992  Hemorrhoid Cream Counter Display ....................9 ct   1 779176   64.80  10%  B  58.32  B
         Homeopathic cream for hemorrhoids                     334300  Cigarettes Blue F/T ..................................10 x 20/pkg  25 581127   47.57         M
     TRACE MINERALS                                            SMOKING MIXTURES
                                                               334328  Honeyrose Earth Impact Mixture .................. 10 x 50g  12 981071  112.93  60%  B  45.17  M
     493610  Copper-Gold-Silver Trace Minerals ..................100 ml  12 310027   8.04         B  334330  Honeyrose Special Mixture .......................... 10 x 50g  12 981064  107.20  60%  B  42.88  M
     493611  Copper Trace Minerals ....................................100 ml  12 310195   8.04         B
     493612  Cobalt Trace Minerals .....................................100 ml  12 310188   8.04          HONIBE     W
     493613  Chromium Trace Minerals ...............................100 ml  12 310164   8.04         B
     493614  Calcium Trace Minerals ..................................100 ml  12 310010   8.04         B   (877) 564-5035
     493615  Boron Silica Trace Minerals ............................100 ml  12 320033   8.04         B  Honibe is dedicated to delivering affordable, real health benefits to our customers. Our own honibe
     493616  Bismuth Trace Minerals ..................................100 ml  12 310171   8.04         B  honey technology has created the world’s first line of 100% pure natural solid honey and honey
     SMOKING CESSATION                                         gummy products manufactured in PEI
     493210  Nixotinex ....................................... 60ml + 30 doses  12 000041   22.16  5%  B  21.05  B     SAVE 15%  SELECT ITEMS JUN
     .493FL09Toux Et Rhume Adultes Carton 3.5x8 ........................
     .493FL10Toux Et Rhume Adultes Carton 3.5x8 ........................                         upc 106634
     .493FL11Enfats0-9 Booklet 4x6  ..............................................       HONEY
     .493FL12Complexes Granules 6gm  ........................................       640100  Honeydrop with Lemon ................................ 12x12ct   1 000468   47.51         B
     .493L09 Cough & Cold Adult Flyer 3.5x8 .................................       640105  Honeydrop ................................................... 12x12ct   1 000451   47.51         B
     .493L10 Teething Flares - Brochure - New ...................... 1 unit   0                  upc 663448
     .493L11 Kids 0-9 Consumer Booklet ...................................25  0  MULTI VITAMIN
     .493L13 Enfants ......................................................................       640200  Honibe Gummies Omega 3 .....................60 gummies  12 001727   12.16  15%  J   10.34  B
     .493L14 Kids 0-9 Kids Relief Sheet .........................................       640205  Honibe Gummies Prenatal ......................60 gummies  12 001482   10.14  15%  J   8.62  B
     .493L15 Pellet Combination 4g Sheet  .....................................       640210  Honibe Adult Complete Immune Boost ...70 gummies  12 001505   10.14  15%  J   8.62  B
     .493L16 Pharmalife Consumer Booklet - New ..........25 bundle  25
                                                               640215  Honibe Gummies Adult Complete ...........70 gummies  12 001499   10.14  15%  J   8.62  B
                                                               640220  Honibe Gummies Kids Complete ............70 gummies  12 001468   10.14  15%  J   8.62  B
                                                               640225  Honibe Kids Complete & Immune Boost .70 gummies  12 001475   10.14  15%  J   8.62  B
                                                               640230  Honibe Gummies Vitamin D ....................70 gummies  12 001741   10.14  15%  J   8.62  B
                                                               640235  Honibe Gummies Melatonin ....................70 gummies  12 001758   10.14  15%  J   8.62  B
                                                                                                 upc 206634
                                                               640300  Honibe  Honey Lozenges Immune Boost ....12x10 loz  10 001417   42.65         B
                                                               640305  Honibe Honey Lozenges Vit C &Orange ......12x10 loz  10 001653   42.65         B
                                                               640310  Honibe Honey Lozenges Cherry .................12x10 loz  10 000984   42.65         B
                                                               640315  Honibe  Honey Lozenges Lemon ................12x10 loz  10 000403   42.65         B
                                                               640320  Honibe Honey Lozenges .............................12x10 loz  10 000380   42.65         B
                                                               640325  Honibe Honey Lozenges Ivy Leaf ................12x10 loz  10 001790   42.65         B
                                                               640330  Honibe  Honey Lozenges Elderberry ...........12x10 loz  10 001769   42.65         B

                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE  2020  131
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