Page 136 - MayJunReg2020
P. 136

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description             Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

                                      upc 818570               390405  Menthol Lip Balm .............................................4.25g  96 020076   3.22  10%  M   2.90  B
     390605  Peppermint Bar Soap .........................................226g  12 001354   4.43  10%  M   3.99  B  390410  Peppermint Lip Balm ........................................4.25g  96 020014   3.22  10%  M   2.90  B
                                      upc 813724               390415  Raspberry Lip Balm ..........................................4.25g  96 020045   3.22  10%  M   2.90  B
     BODY LOTION                                                                                                     W
     390800  Peppermint Moisturizing Lotion........................532ml   6 023183   8.92  10%  M   8.03  B JACK
     390805  Aloe Moisturizing Lotion ..................................532ml   6 022513   8.92  10%  M   8.03  B
     390810  Skin Calming Moisturizing Lotion .....................532ml   6 020564   8.92  10%  M   8.03  B  More and more men are reacting to the synthetic chemicals used in almost every high end brand of
     390815  Coriander&Cedar Moisturizing Lotion ...............532ml   6 020601   8.92  10%  M   8.03  B  male grooming products. Jack by All Things Jill offers a range of plant-based alternatives with male
     390820  Coconut & Honey Moisturizing Lotion ..............532ml   6 020595   8.92  10%  M   8.03  B  shave and beard formulations free from unnecessary synthetic ingredients. Our Shave line has been
     390825  Lemon Moisturizing Lotion ..............................532ml   6 020588   8.92  10%  M   8.03  B  prepared using pure and organic ingredients designed to soothe, nourish and soften men’s skin
     BODY MIST                                                 during and following the harsh treatment of shaving. For those guys with beardalicious facial hair,
     390750  Aloe & Green Tea  Body Oil Mist ......................177ml   6 022711   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  check out our Beard Oil and Beard Balm for naturally managing your beard.
                                                                                                 upc 671371
     390755  Lemon Body Oil Mist .......................................177ml   6 022704   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B
                                      upc 818570               BEARD
     390760  Grapefruit Body Oil Mist ...................................177ml   6 001309   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  905503  Beard Balm ........................................................40 g  12 060087   8.50         E
     390765  Coconut Body Oil Mist .....................................177ml   6 001583   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  905504  Beard Oil ..........................................................60 ml   9 060070   9.00         M
     BODY SCRUB                                                SHAVE
     390700  Lemon Body Scrub ...........................................226g   6 003297   11.55  10%  M  10.40  B  905500  Shave Creme ....................................................175 g  12 060018   11.00         E
     390705  Grapefruit Body Scrub .......................................226g   6 001064   11.55  10%  M  10.40  B  905501  Shave Spritz ...................................................125 ml  12 060032   7.50         E
     390710  Coconut Milk & Honey Body Scrub ...................226g   6 007509   11.55  10%  M  10.40  B  905502  Shave Oil ..........................................................60 ml   9 060025   8.50         E
                                      upc 813724
     BODY WASH                                                 JASON NATURAL PRODUCTS - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER
     390500  Men’s Wintergreen Body Wash ........................532ml   6 023268   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B   (877) 527-6601
     390505  Men’s Bergamot & Oak Body Wash .................532ml   6 023114   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  JASÖN® was born in California in 1959 when a group of independent thinkers sought to establish
     390510  Sandalwood Body Wash ..................................532ml   6 023725   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  a new kind of personal care for themselves and their families. Taking the name JASÖN®, which
     390515  Coconut Body Wash ........................................532ml   6 020625   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  means “Healer” in Greek, they rejected harsh, risky chemicals. Instead, they blended simple,
     390520  Aloe & Green Tea Body Wash ..........................532ml   6 022018   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  healing ingredients to create wholesome personal care solutions that are safe for us, our families,
     390525  Grapefruit Body Wash .....................................532ml   6 020649   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  and our planet.
     390530  Coriander & Cedar Body Wash ........................532ml   6 020632   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B
     390535  Lemon Body Wash ..........................................532ml   6 020618   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B     SAVE UP TO 20%   ALL ITEMS MAY
                                      upc 818570
     COUGH & COLD REMEDIES                                     24 units or more (mix & match) 10% off,  72 units or more (mix & match)  15% off.
     390100  Menthol Camphor Bath Soak .............................400g  12 002979   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  upc 078522
     390105  Menthol Camphor Relief Mist .............................118g  12 001545   8.09  10%  M   7.28  B  DISPLAY
     FOOT CARE                                                 450916  Jason Body Wash Floorstand 24CT - New ........ 1 unit  24 930310  269.52  20%  M  215.62  B
     390300  Foot Repair Salve .................................................59g  12 006656   7.58  10%  M   6.82  B  Contains: 6x each: Calming Lavender & Revitalizing Citrus, 4x each: Glowing Apricot,
                                      upc 813724                    Purifying Tea Tree and Coconut.
     HAND CREAM                                                BODY WASH BODY CARE
     390850  Coriander Hand Cream ........................................95g  12 023718   7.58  10%  M   6.82  B  450301  Citrus Body Wash - Revitalizing ......................887 ml   6 021162   11.23  15%  M   9.55  B
                                      upc 818570               450303  Lavender Body Wash - Calming ......................887 ml   6 021131   11.23  15%  M   9.55  B
     390855  Pomegranate Hand Cream ...................................95g  12 002894   7.58  10%  M   6.82  B  450307  Apricot Body Wash .........................................887 ml   6 021070   11.23  15%  M   9.55  B
                                      upc 813724               450319  Creamy Coconut Body Wash ..........................887 ml   6 930280   11.23  15%  M   9.55  B
     390860  Coconut Hand Cream ..........................................95g  12 020427   7.58  10%  M   6.82  B  450527  Aloe Vera Body Wash - Soothing ....................887 ml   6 021056   11.23  15%  M   9.55  B
                                      upc 818570               450529  Tea Tree Body Wash .......................................887 ml   6 030270   11.23  15%  M   9.55  B
     390865  Grapefruit Hand Cream ........................................95g  12 001712   7.58  10%  M   6.82  B  450531  Rosewater Body Wash - Invigorating ..............887 ml   6 021230   11.23  15%  M   9.55  B
     390870  Aloe Hand Cream ................................................95g  12 002467   7.58  10%  M   6.82  B  DEODORANTS
     390875  Lemon Hand Cream ............................................95g  12 002542   7.58  10%  M   6.82  B
                                      upc 813724               450010  Lavender Deodorant ...........................................71 g  12 090656   4.86  15%  M   4.13  B
     HAND SOAPS                                                450011  Aloe Vera Deodorant ...........................................71 g  12 090250   4.86  15%  M   4.13  B
                                                                                                                    4.13  B
                                                                                                          4.86  15%  M
                                                               450012  Apricot Deodorant ..............................................71 g  12 090557
     390320  Aloe &Green Tea Foam Soap Refill ...................828ml  12 022964   5.39  10%  M   4.85  B  450013  Tea Tree Deodorant .............................................71 g  12 090458   4.86  15%  M   4.13  B
                                      upc 818570               450017  Dry Spray Deod Fresh Cucumber ...................113 ml  12 901976   10.62  15%  M   9.03  B
     390322  Coconut Hand Soap ........................................325ml   6 002801   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450018  Dry Spray Deod Soft Rose..............................113 ml  12 901990   10.62  15%  M   9.03  B
                                      upc 813724
     390325  Lemon Foaming Hand Soap Refill ....................828ml  12 022957   5.39  10%  M   4.85  B  GELS BODY CARE
                                      upc 818570               450166  Aloe Vera 98% Gel Tube....................................113 g  12 840169   3.48  15%  M   2.96  B
     390327  Aloe & Green Tea Hand Soap ...........................325ml   6 008513   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450482  Aloe Vera 98% Gel with Pump ..........................227 g  12 840138   4.61  15%  M   3.92  B
                                      upc 813724               HAND & BODY LOTION BODY CARE
     390330  Neroli Thyme Foaming Hand Soap ...................266ml   6 023657   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450426  Vitamin E Hand & Body Lotion ..........................227 g  12 301233   4.71  15%  M   4.00  B
                                      upc 818570               450455  Lavender Hand & Body Lotion ..........................227 g  12 302063   4.71         B
     390332  Lemon Hand Soap ...........................................325ml   6 008520   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  HAND SOAP BODY CARE
                                      upc 813724
     390335  Vanilla Mint Foaming Hand Soap......................266ml   6 022407   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450287  Lavender Hand Soap ......................................473 ml  12 020257   5.41  15%  M   4.60  B
                                                               450289  Aloe Vera Hand Soap - Soothing .....................473 ml  12 020059
                                                                                                          5.41  15%  M
                                                                                                                    4.60  B
     390340  Ocean Breeze Foaming Hand Soap ..................266ml   6 022827   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450291  Apricot Hand Soap - Glowing .........................473 ml  12 020011   5.41  15%  M   4.60  B
                                      upc 818570
     390345  Coconut Foaming Hand Soap ..........................266ml   6 002429   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450297  Tea Tree Hand Soap - Purifying .......................473 ml  12 030171   5.41  15%  M   4.60  B
     390350  Grapefruit Foaming Hand Soap ........................266ml   6 007912   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  FACE CREMES
     390355  Lemon Foaming Hand Soap ............................266ml   6 001330   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450475  Soothing 84% Aloe Vera Crème ........................113 g  12 040026   5.48  15%  M   4.66  B
     390360  Aloe & Green Tea Foaming Hand Soap.............266ml   6 008452   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450540  Vitamin E Crème 25,000 IU ..............................113 g  12 040125   6.91  15%  M   5.87  B
                                      upc 813724               HAIR CARE
     390365  Aloe & Green Tea Hand Soap Refill ........................1L   6 022858   5.39  10%  M   4.85  B  450400  84% Aloe Vera Shampoo ................................473 ml  12 800255   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
     390370  Lemon Hand Soap Refill ........................................1L   6 022841   5.39  10%  M   4.85  B  450401  84% Aloe Vera Conditioner .............................473 ml  12 800293   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
     390375  Ocean Breeze Hand Soap Refill ..............................1L   6 023428   5.39  10%  M   4.85  B  450404  Restorative Biotin Shampoo ............................473 ml  12 870050   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
     390380  Neroli Thyme Hand Soap .................................325ml   6 023640   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450405  Restorative Biotin Conditioner .........................473 ml  12 870098   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
     390385  Vanilla Mint Hand Soap ....................................325ml   6 022384   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450411  Smoothing Sea Kelp Conditioner.....................946 ml   6 070405   9.59  15%  M   8.15  B
     390390  Ocean Breeze Hand Soap ................................325ml   6 022803   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450412  Jojoba Shampoo ............................................473 ml  12 800156   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
                                      upc 818570               450413  Jojoba Conditioner .........................................473 ml  12 800194   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
     390395  Grapefruit Hand Soap ......................................325ml   6 007394   4.88  10%  M   4.39  B  450414  Smoothing Sea Kelp Shampoo .......................473 ml  12 850052   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
                                      upc 813724               450415  Smoothing Sea Kelp Conditioner.....................473 ml  12 850090   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
     KITS & GIFT SETS                                          450417  Smoothing Sea Kelp Shampoo VALUE sz .......946 ml   6 070412   9.59  15%  M   8.15  B
     390000  Signature Collection Kit ........................................ 1ea   6 023336   12.14  10%  M  10.93  B  450514  Super Shine Apricot Shampoo ........................473 ml  12 800057   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
         Lemon Cream Hand Cream, Lavender Hand Cream, Aloe and Green Tea Hand Cream,   450516  Super Shine Apricot Conditioner .....................473 ml  12 800095   6.62  15%  M   5.63  B
         Coconut Milk and Honey Hand Cream, and an ultra-moisturizing coconut milk and   450588  Normalizing Tea Tree Shampoo.......................517 ml  12 800781   7.39  15%  M   6.28  B
         honey lip balm.                                       450589  Normailizing Tea Tree Conditioner ...................236 ml  12 800804   5.70  15%  M   4.85  B
     LIP BALM                                                  TOOTHPASTE ORAL CARE
     390400  Coconut Lip Balm .............................................4.25g  96 023169   3.22  10%  M   2.90  B  450378  Kids Only Strawberry Toothpaste ......................119 g   6 007289   4.28  15%  M   3.64  B
   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141