Page 135 - MayJunReg2020
P. 135

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     771704  Apis Mell. Single Remedy .................30c -160 pellets  12 156047   4.62         B  770490  Motion Sickness Yellow Line.......................... 50 tabs  36 914711   5.94         B
                                      upc 303602               STRESS MANAGEMENT
     771707  Belladonna  Single Remedy ..............30c -160 pellets  12 298449   4.62         B  770500  Calms................................................. 100 X 4 g tabs  36 112032   7.90         B
     771708  Bryonia Alba Single Remedy.............30c -160 pellets  12 686048   4.62         B  770508  Calms Forte Sleep Aid ..............................100 tablets  36 325753   7.90         B
                                      upc 303606
     771711  Ferrum Phos. Single Remedy ...........30c -160 pellets  12 133647   4.62         B  770513  Calms Forte (Sleep Aid) .............................50 Tablets  24 325746   5.94         B

                                                               770514  Calms Forte Sleep Aid ...............................32 caplets  24 327429
                                      upc 303607
     771712  Hepar Sulph Single Remedy .............30c -160 pellets  12 010848   4.62         B  770516  Nerve Tonic ...............................................50 Tablets  24 301450   6.65         B
     771714  Ignatia Single Remedy ......................30c -160 pellets  12 337242   4.62         B  BOOK
     771715  Ipecac Single Remedy ......................30c -160 pellets  12 520842   4.62         B  .770L03 The Biochemic Handbook ..........................127 pages  12      5.06         E
                                      upc 303608               BROCHURES
     771716  Lycopodium  Single Remedy ............30c -160 pellets  12 785646   4.62         B  .770L19 What is Homeopathy? ....................................Tri-Fold 1000
     771717  Ledum Pal .........................................30c-160 pellets  12 398044   4.62         B  .770L46 Tissue Salt Brochure .................................................
     771718  Magnesia Phos. Single Remedy .......30c -160 pellets  12 908045   4.62         B  TRAYS/SHELF TALKERS
                                      upc 303609
     771719  Mercurius Viv. ...................................30c-160 pellets  12 560846   4.62         B  .770L42 Cell Salt Tray (holds all salts) .....................................
                                      upc 336011               .770L43 Combination Tray (3 channel) ....................................
     771721  Phosphorus Single Remedy .............30c -160 pellets  12 050049   4.62         B  .770L44 Singles Tray (holds 10 T250’s) ..................................
     771722  Pulsatilla Single Remedy...................30c -160 pellets  12 743644   4.62         B  INCREDIBLE SCENTS
                                      upc 336012
     771724  Ruta Grav Single Remedy .................30c -160 pellets  12 355648   4.62         B   (877) 233-9438
                                      upc 336013
     771726  Spongia Tosta....................................30c-160 pellets  12 232849   4.62         B  Silent Snooz is a unique patented nasal dilator to reduce snoring and open up the airways naturally
                                                               for a better night sleep
     771728  Tabacum Single Remedy ..................30c -160 pellets  12 770778   4.62         B  upc 736428
                                      upc 336014
     771729  Thuja Single Remedy ........................30c -160 pellets  12 101977   4.62         B  452100  Silent Snooz unscented ...................................... 1 ea  144 010016   8.01         B
                                      upc 303603
     771731  Carbo Veg. Single Remedy ...............30c -160 pellets  12 420443   4.62         B INNOVITE
                                      upc 303606                                        (888) 226-7733
     771732  Gelsemium Sempervires Single Remedy 30c -160 pellets 12 480444   4.62         B  For over 35 years, Innovite has been inspiring wellness and developing ways to nourish and repair
                                      upc 303601               our bodies. We believe that when the body’s core systems work in synergy, optimal health can be
     SINGLE REMEDIES TABLETS - 30 X                            achieved.  Learn more at
     770704  Arnica -  30X ............................................... 250 tabs  12 514519   6.58         B  upc 626712
                                      upc 336010               CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH
     770709  Nux-vomica - 30X  ...................................... 250 tabs  12 286517   6.58         B  192003  CoQ10 M.R.B. 100mg ..............................60 softgels  12 101233   30.72         M
                                      upc 303603               192005  Inno-Q-Nol® 100mg ................................60 softgels  12 101684   35.65         M
     770735  Chamomilla - 30X ........................................ 250 tabs  12 799310   6.58         B  192008  Inno-Q-Nol® Blood Pressure ....................60 softgels  12 102155   30.72         M
                                      upc 303602               192009  Red Yeast Rice 300mg ............................ 120 v-caps  12 102179   35.65         M
     770736  Belladonna - 30X ......................................... 250 tabs  12 289713   6.58         B  192013  Inno-Q-Nol® 200mg ................................60 softgels  12 102278   61.49         M
                                      upc 336012               192014  Inno-Q-Nol® 100mg ................................90 softgels  12 102285   52.27         M
     770740  Rhus Tox - 30X ............................................ 250 tabs  12 163311   6.58         B  192015  Magnesium Citrate 250mg ......................... 200 caps  12 102322   18.43         M
                                      upc 354973               192020  Krill Oil Omega-3 1000mg ........................60 softgels  12 102117   43.03         M
     CHILDREN’S REMEDIES                                       192026  CoQ10 M.R.B. 30mg ................................60 softgels  12 100724   14.75         M
     770520  Calm’N Restful 4KIDS .................................. 125 tabs  24 751835   7.90         B  192028  Magnesium Citrate 250mg ......................... 100 caps  12 101240   11.06         M
     770601  4KIDS All Day Syrup ........................................... 4 oz  24 312531   6.42         B  192031  Inno-Q-Nol® 100mg ................................30 softgels  12 101653   18.43         M
     770603  Complete Allergy Relief 4 Kids ............................ 4 oz  24 309722   6.42         B  192032  Inno-Q-Nol® 200mg ................................30 softgels  12 101660   36.89         M
     770604  4KIDS  Nighttime Syrup ...................................... 4 oz  24 311534   6.42         B  192033  Krill Oil Omega-3 500mg ..........................60 softgels  12 101752   24.58         M
     770607  4 KIDS Syrup with Honey ................................... 4 oz  24 752610   6.42         B  192036  Red Yeast Rice 300mg .............................. 60 v-caps  12 102162   18.43         M
     770608  Baby Colic  .................................................. 125 tabs  24 314726   6.00         B  192603  CoQ10 M.R.B. Drops .......................................170ml  12 102001  153.74         M
     770609  Hyland’s Baby All Day Syrup ...........................118ml  24 315440   6.42         B  DIGESTIVE HEALTH
     770611  Hyland’s Baby Oral Pain Relief .....................125 Tabs  24 331525   8.01         B  192023  Digestive Enzymes ....................................... 90 caps  12 103190   14.75         M
     770612  Baby Nighttime Oral Pain Relief ....................125 Tabs  24 332430   8.01         B  192025  Olive Leaf Extract 500mg ........................... 60 v-caps  12 100328   14.75         M
     770621  Tiny cold Tablets.......................................... 125 tabs  24 314313   6.00         B  192035  UTI Protect ................................................ 60 v-caps  12 101899   14.75         M
     770665  Bumps’n Bruises for Children ...................... 125 tabs  24 750814   6.00         B  GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS
     POPULAR SPECIALTIES                                       192007  Lutein 25mg .............................................60 softgels  12 101813   24.58         M
     770646  Hyland’s Earache Tablets ...........................40 Tablets  24 316928   9.92         B  192024  UV Protect 100mg ..................................... 30 v-caps  12 103206   18.43         M
     770810  EnurAid ......................................................... 50 tabs  12 322318   6.05         B  192048  AllergyTryp ...........................................60 chew tabs  24 110044   18.43         M
     770821  Diarrex (relief gastro-intestinal stress) ............50 Tabs  12 313422   6.05         B  MOOD & COGNITIVE SUPPORT
     770830  ClearAc (clears up acne) ............................... 50 tabs  36 220218   6.05         B
     770866  Earache Drops - Adult ................................... 0.33 oz  36 751620   9.92         B  192002  Melatonin Sustained Release 3mg ............. 60 v-caps  12 101103   24.58         M
                                                               192016  Pqq ........................................................... 60 v-caps  12 102353

     BLUE LINE - COUGH COLD FLU                                192022  Elite Neuro™ ............................................. 30 v-caps  12 103169   20.90         M
     770452  Bronchial Cough .......................................... 100 tabs  36 295421   7.90         B  MUSCULAR SKELETAL THERAPIES
     770453  Hyland’s Sinus Blue Line ............................. 100 tabs  36 295926   7.90         B
     770457  Hylands Cold+Flu ......................................6 packets  12 315631   7.68         B  192004  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Boron ....................240 softgels  12 101530   22.75         M
     770832  Cold Tablets with Zinc Blue Line ..................... 50 tabs  12 301016   5.94         B  192006  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Extra D3 ................240 softgels  12 101691   24.58         M
                                                               192011  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Vitamin K2 .............120 softgels  12 102254

     GREEN LINE - OTC                                          192012  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Vitamin K2 .............240 softgels  12 102261   43.03         M
     770450  Cold Sores/Fever Blisters ............................. 100 tabs  12 912724   7.90         B  192029  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Boron ....................120 softgels  12 101332   12.29         M
     770456  Sleep ........................................................... 100 tabs  24 912328   7.90         B  192030  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Extra D3 ................120 softgels  12 101646   13.51         M
     770460  Hayfever Green Line .................................... 100 tabs  36 913820   7.90         B  192034  Vitamin K2................................................. 60 v-caps  12 101769   15.36         M
     770462  Hemorrhoids ............................................... 100 tabs  36 913028   7.90         B  192502  MuscleRescue™ ..............................................196 g  12 103176   36.89         M
     770475  Hives Green Line ......................................... 100 tabs  36 914629   7.90         B  192601  Vitamin K2 Drops .............................................30 ml  60 101974   18.43         M
     PURPLE LINE - WOMEN’S HEALTH                              192602  Vitamin D3 Drops .............................................30 ml  60 101981   15.36         M
     770493  Menstrual Cramps ....................................... 100 tabs  12 296121   7.90         B  192604  Vitamin K2 Drops Extra Strength .......................30 ml  60 102056   30.72         M
     RED LINE - PAIN                                           J.R. WATKINS
     770411  Headache  Red Line .................................... 100 tabs  36 295025   7.90         B
     770436  Leg Cramps...............................................40 caplets  24 311459   6.39         B  1-888-384-1945
     770437  Leg Cramps PM ............................................50 Tabs  24 314412   8.06         B  At J.R. Watkins we aspire to set your body & spirit right with our line of products made with natural
     770440  Arthritis Pain Formula .................................. 100 tabs  36 295520   7.90         B  ingredients that have stood the test of time for 150 years.
     770442  Leg Cramps................................................... 50 tabs  36 295612   5.94         B
     770443  Leg Cramps................................................. 100 tabs  36 295629   7.90         B     SAVE 10%   LINE DRIVE MAY
     770454  Restful Legs ..................................................50 Tabs  24 316515   6.78         B
     YELLOW LINE - DIGESTIVE                                                                     upc 813724
     770487  Indigestion Yellow Line ................................ 100 tabs  36 295827   7.90         B
     770488  Gas Yellow Line ........................................... 100 tabs  36 295124   7.90         B  BAR SOAP
     770489  Upset Stomach Yellow Line ......................... 100 tabs  12 915022   7.90         B  390600  Men’s Bergamot & Oak Bar Soap ......................226g  12 023138   4.43  10%  M   3.99  B
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE  2020  133
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