Page 226 - MayJunReg2020
P. 226
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
822365 Organic Stress Soother Cinnamon ................ 20 bags 6 102089 4.71 B MINERALS
822375 Organic Echinacea Plus Elderberry ............... 20 bags 6 101549 4.71 B 811200 Full Spectrum Minerals .................................90 Caps 84 120510 11.69
822405 Throat Coat Lemon Echinacea ...................... 20 bags 6 101594 4.71 B 811205 Zinc Chelazome ..................................... 60 Veg Caps 12 117015 8.91 B
822500 Organic Ginger Aid ....................................... 20 bags 6 101655 4.71 B 811210 Chromium + Vanadium ...............................90 Caps 12 120329 12.05
822513 Organic Everyday Detox Dandelion ............... 20 bags 6 101976 4.71 B 811215 Boron Chelazome ..........................................90 Tabs 12 124914 8.49
822517 Organic Lemon Everyday Detox .................... 20 bags 6 101877 4.71 B 811220 Iron Chelazome ............................................90 Caps 12 115714 8.27
822522 Organic Smooth Move Peppermint ............... 20 bags 6 101891 4.71 B 811225 Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelazome .... 180 Veg Caps 12 119927 22.26 B
822523 Smooth Move Chamomile ............................ 20 bags 6 101884 4.71 B 811230 Selenium with C&E .................................60 Capsules 12 124310 7.49
HERBAL TEA 811235 Magnsium Bisglycinate Chelazome ....... 90 Veg Caps 12 119910 11.90 E
822240 Organic Chamomile ...................................... 20 bags 6 100566 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811240 Magnesium Chelazome ............................ 90 Caplets 12 115813 10.49 B
822250 Organic Peppermint Tea ................................ 20 bags 6 100528 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811245 Magnesium Chelazome .......................... 180 Caplets 12 115820 17.87 B
822270 Organic Chamomile with Lavender ............... 20 bags 6 101792 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811250 Calcium-Magnesium Chelazome 2:1 .......... 120 caps 12 122217 20.99 B
822275 Organic Hibiscus .......................................... 20 bags 6 101952 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811260 Calcium Chelazome ............................. 120 Veg Caps 12 119811 16.79
822280 Organic Licorice Root ................................... 20 bags 6 101808 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811265 Chromium + Vanadium ........................... 60 Caplets 12 120312 8.91
822290 Organic Nettle Leaf ....................................... 20 bags 6 101815 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811275 Zinc Chelazome 15mg .............................. 90 Caplets 12 116117 8.25 B
822310 Organic Green Tea with Lemongrass ............ 20 bags 6 000781 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811280 Cal-Mag Chelazome 2:1 .............................240 Caps 12 122224 38.43 B
822315 Org Turmeric Meadowsweet & Ginger .......... 20 bags 6 102102 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811285 Potassium Chelazome .............................. 90 Caplets 12 116018 9.60 B
822320 Organic Raspberry Leaf Tea .......................... 20 bags 6 000798 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811287 Cal-Mag Chelazome 1:2 ...................... 120 Veg Caps 12 128615 16.91 B
822345 Organic Tulsi with Ginger .............................. 20 bags 6 102096 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811290 Cal-Mag Chelazome 1:1 ...................... 120 Veg Caps 12 128516 16.52 B
822370 Organic Green Tea Ginger ............................. 20 bags 6 100887 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811292 Manganese Chelazome ............................ 90 Caplets 12 116315 6.99
822421 Organic Lemon Balm .................................... 20 bags 6 101914 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811505 Copper Chelazome ................................... 90 Caplets 12 116216 7.99 B
822514 Organic Ginger ............................................. 20 bags 6 101730 4.71 11% M 4.19 B PROBIOTICS
822518 Organic Roasted Dandelion Root .................. 20 bags 6 101754 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811610 Acidophilus Plus ........................................... 90 caps 12 114816 14.26 B
822519 Organic Hawthorn with Hibiscus ................... 20 bags 6 101853 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811615 Acidophilus 7 billion e-coated ....................... 60 caps 12 127816 14.57 B
822520 Organic Spearmint ........................................ 20 bags 6 101747 4.71 11% M 4.19 B SLEEP AID
822524 Organic Fennel.............................................. 20 bags 6 101945 4.71 11% M 4.19 B 811705 Trophic Melatonin Spray ...................................30 ml 12 124730 9.59 B
822525 Organic Dandelion Leaf & Root Tea............... 20 bags 6 101983 4.71 11% M 4.19 B
822526 Organic Green Tea Peppermint ...................... 20 bags 6 102010 4.71 11% M 4.19 B STRESS
811750 Relora ....................................................60 Capsules 12 128219 16.55
BROKERED BY Abundant by Design Inc. (877) 515-8783 (385) 350-3855 Offering European Made, certified natural & high quality personal care products following strict EU
With a non-melting chocolate shell and indulgent filling, Trail Truffles combines nature’s super standards. INCI ingredient listings. No GMO, No Animal testing, No Paraben.
foods with the decadence of a dark chocolate truffle - delivering a complete protein bite that is as upc 852671
tasty as it is good for fueling your adventures.
SAVE UP TO 15% ALL ITEMS MAY & SELECT ITEMS JUN 740404 Tan Shimmer Lotion ......................................... 3.4oz 0 003244 19.80 M
740405 Perfect Tan Face Anti-Aging .............................. 1.7oz 0 003237 19.80 M
740406 Perfect Tan Body Anti-Aging ............................. 3.4oz 0 003220 19.80 M
Buy 10+ cases mix and match = 15% off 740407 Self Tan Lotion Tropical Tan (Dark) .................... 3.4oz 0 003213 17.04 M
upc 783583 740408 Self Tanning Lotion Medium Tan ....................... 3.4oz 0 003152 14.84 M
802900 Trail Truffles Pre-Pack Shipper .....................1 Display 1 896757 153.19 15% B 130.21 B 740400 Natural Roll On Deodorant, Mens ...................... 1.7oz 0 003848 9.90 M
Includes: 8 units of Peanut Butter Cup Truffles (802110), 8 units of Mint Creme Truffles 740401 Natural Roll On Deo. Coconut Lime ................... 1.7oz 0 003824 9.90 M
(802105), 8 units of Coconut Macadamia Truffles (802100), 8 units of Chocolate 740402 Natural Roll On Deo. Vanil. Orange .................... 1.7oz 0 003817 9.90 M
Hazelnut Truffles (802115). 740403 Natural Roll-On Deodorant Unscented ............... 1.7oz 0 003800 9.90 M
802901E Trail Truffles Empty Shipper .........................1 Display 1 896757
Ships Flat. Required fill: 8 units of Peanut Butter Cup Truffles (802110), 8 units of Mint TURMERIC TEAS W
Creme Truffles (802105), 8 units of Coconut Macadamia Truffles (802100), 8 units of
Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles (802115). Toronto tea company with a mission to make it easy for everyone to enjoy the healing benefits of
TRUFFLES tumeric (Circummin).
802100 Coconut Macadamia Truffles ....................... 6 x 144g 6 896733 28.72 10% M 25.85 B upc 627843
802105 Mint Creme Truffles ..................................... 6 x 144g 6 896740 28.72 10% M 25.85 B TEA
802110 Peanut Butter Cup Truffles ........................... 6 x 144g 6 896719 28.72 10% M 25.85 B 837100 Winter Tumeric Teas ........................................ 6x28g 0 558088 34.45 B
802115 Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles ......................... 6 x 144g 6 896726 28.72 10% M 25.85 B upc 106278
837105 Summer Tumeric Teas ..................................... 6x28g 0 558078 34.45 B
TROPHIC 837110 Dusk Tumeric Teas .......................................... 6x28g 0 558061 34.45 B
upc 627843 (800) 663-4136 837115 Dawn Tumeric Teas ......................................... 6x28g 0 558057 34.45 B
Trophic is a Canadian brand that dates back to 1967. Your products don`t last that long unless
they deliver results. Trophic focuses on premium quality, natural nutritional supplements, as close UNCLE LEE’S TEA - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER
to nature as possible, at an affordable price. Trust Trophic when youre looking for products that
deliver a difference in your lives. BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing
upc 069967
AMINO ACIDS (626) 350-3309
811650 L-5-HTP ................................................ 60 Veg Caps 12 128011 12.99 Uncle Lee’s represents the traditions of Teas over 80 years across 5 generations. The centerfold
of Oriental Tea art, started introducing Green tea in North America in 1988. The parent company is
DIGESTIVE Ten Fu Tea group in China, who owns more than 700 tea stores all over the world, mainly in China,
811500 Digest Aid - Bile Salts ....................................90 Tabs 12 112218 10.29 B providing you invigorating aroma at unbelievable quality...No one knows Teas better than Uncle
811605 Digestive Enzymes Supreme ................. 60 Veg Caps 12 115011 10.29 Lee’s!!
811300 Krill Oil - Neptune ....................................60 Capsules 12 125317 26.66
VITAMINS 48 Units of 100/40 Count Teas = 15% Off,96 Units of 100/40 Count Teas = 25% Off
811295 Tri-Lipotrophic ........................................60 Capsules 12 123719 10.70 upc 892241
811400 Chlorophlyll ....................................................250 ml 24 113024 18.79
811405 Choline Bitartate ........................................90 Tablets 12 124419 6.93 40CT TEA
811410 Vitamin K2.....................................................90 Tabs 12 117114 7.79 850252 Organic Matcha Tea ..........................................40 bg 6 000211 5.20 15% M 4.42 B
811415 Methyl B12 with Folic Acid ............................90 Tabs 12 111914 8.79 B 850257 Organic Black Tea .............................................40 bg 6 000204 5.20 15% M 4.42 B
811420 Vitamin D3 Liquid .............................................30 ml 24 115912 7.49 850266 Legends of China Organic White Tea ............. 40 bags 6 000198 4.41 15% M 3.75 B
811430 Vitamin E Liquid ...............................................50 ml 48 111723 11.75 B 850267 Legends Of China Organic Green Tea ............ 40 bags 6 000167 4.41 15% M 3.75 B
811440 Choline & Inositol ......................................90 Tablets 12 118012 10.11 850268 Organic Jasmine Tea ........................................40 bg 6 000235 5.20 15% M 4.42 B
6 000228
FOOD AND HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS 850269 Organic Oolong Tea ..........................................40 bg upc 879792 5.20 15% M 4.42 B
811100 Chlorophyll 100 ml .........................................100 ml 6 113017 8.92 B IMPERIAL ORGANIC TEAS
811106 Desiccated Liver .........................................180 Caps 12 111235 17.59
811110 Iodine Liquid .....................................................50 ml 48 113321 7.59 B 850590 Caramel Rooibus Chai .................................. 18 bags 6 000198 6.41
850595 Golden Turmeric Ginger Chai ........................ 18 bags 6 000204 6.41