Page 227 - MayJunReg2020
P. 227
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
upc 000000 850420 Whole Leaf, Organic Dragon Well Green Tea . 18 bags 12 000754 6.00
DISPLAYS 850425 Whole Leaf, Organic Green Tea with Jasmine 18 bags 12 000761 6.00
850901E Empty Cardboard Display ............................1 Display 1 000000 850435 Whole Leaf, Organic Ginseng Oolong Tea ..... 18 bags 12 000785 6.00
upc 049606
upc 879792
850954 Organic Specialty Gift Box ............................ 40 bags 12 000815 11.31 B 850160 Jasmine Tea ................................................. 20 bags 12 299227 3.87
upc 049606 850170 Green Tea ..................................................... 20 bags 12 299265 3.87
ORGANIC CHAI TEAS 850185 Decafinated Green Tea .................................. 20 bags 12 207079 5.23
850195 Organic Green Tea ........................................ 20 bags 12 207086
850125 Organic Cinnamon Chai ................................ 18 bags 12 203156 5.23
850130 Organic Orange Ginger Chai ......................... 18 bags 12 203149 5.23 URBAN SPA W
850135 Organic Green Tea Lemon Chai ..................... 18 bags 12 203163 5.23
upc 892241 BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management
850265 Legends of China Organic Green Tea .......... 100 bags 24 000686 6.23 Beautiful, sustainable, quality products for body pampering. Urban Spa offers quality products at
850270 Legends of China Organic White Tea ........... 100 bags 24 000693 6.23 competitive pricing to allow retailers to fill a demand and help drive complimentary sales. Ask your
ORGANIC WHITE TEAS rep about merchandising options and floor displays
850200 Organic White Tea ........................................ 18 bags 12 000099 5.23 upc 806283
upc 879792 DISPLAYS
BAMBOO TEA 948920 Corrugate Floor Display ......................................1 un 1 000026 750.05 B
850600 Organic Bamboo Tea w/ Exotic Fruit ............. 18 bags 6 003052 5.23 B upc 007715
850605 Organic Bamboo Tea Hibiscus ...................... 18 bags 6 003045 5.23 B 948925 Spinning Display .................................................1 un 1 990018 1,458.00 B
850610 Organic Bamboo Tea Lemon Ginger ............. 18 bags 6 003038 5.23 B upc 771590
850615 Organic Bamboo Tea Mint ............................ 18 bags 6 003021 5.23 B ACCESSORIES
850620 Organic Bamboo Tea Original ........................ 18 bags 6 003014 5.23 B 948210 The This-is-Bliss Bath Pillow ..............................1 un 72 619001 7.19 B
upc 049606 948385 The Soap Caddy .................................................1 un 72 612002 5.09 B
850240 Legends of China Green Tea Jasmine ......... 100 bags 24 100011 4.93 948100 The Loofah on a Stick .........................................1 un 72 110003 7.19 M
upc 892241 upc 628338
850242 Legends of China Oolong Tea ..................... 100 bags 24 000624 4.93 948101 The Body Therapy Brush ....................................1 un 72 111276 9.28 B
upc 049606 948102 The Take-a-Bow-Brow Duo.................................1 un 72 070450 7.78 M
850245 Legends of China Green Tea Lemon ........... 100 bags 24 100035 4.93 948103 The Lovely Lid Duo ............................................. 1 ea 72 070443 7.78 M
upc 892241 948104 The Fluffy Powder & Bronzer Brush ....................1 un 72 070436 9.89 M
850247 Organic Black Tea .............................................100ct 12 000679 6.90 B 948106 The Perfect Foundation Brush .............................1 un 72 070429 7.78 M
upc 049606 948107 The Made-You-Blush-Brush ................................1 un 72 070412 8.99 M
850250 Legends of China Green Tea (Original) ........ 100 bags 24 100042 4.93 upc 771590
upc 892241 948170 The Perfect Body Brush ......................................1 un 72 111000 7.49 M
850260 Legends of China White Tea ....................... 100 bags 24 000662 4.93 948195 The Smooth As Silk Hairbrush ............................1 un 120 610008 5.09 B
upc 879792 948200 The Massaging Hairbrush ...................................1 un 120 611005 5.09 B
SIMPLY DELICIOUS 948355 Bamboo Anti-Cellulite Body Brush ......................1 un 72 992005 9.59 B
850650 Simply Delicious Ginger ................................ 18 bags 6 002055 4.30 B 948390 The Bamboo Bikini Brush ...................................1 un 72 111253 7.19 B
upc 879782 BUFFERS & SPONGES
850655 Simply Delicious Cinnamon .......................... 18 bags 6 002031 4.30 B 948120 The Loads of Lather Pouf....................................1 un 144 117002 2.09 M
upc 879792 upc 628338
850660 Simply Delicious Hibiiscus............................ 18 bags 6 002048 4.30 B 948121 All Over Body Buffer ...........................................1 un 72 072003 6.00 B
850665 Simply Delicious Plum .................................. 18 bags 6 002024 4.30 B 948122 The Brilliant Bath Mitt ..........................................1 un 144 115359 4.78 B
850670 Simply Delicious Raspberry .......................... 18 bags 6 002017 4.30 B upc 771590
IMPERIAL ORGANIC TEAS 948235 The All-Natural Sea Sponge ................................1 un 48 119006 7.78 B
850500 100% Organic Green Tea .............................. 18 bags 12 000013 5.23 948410 The Big Squeeze Body Sponge ...........................1 un 144 119211 6.28 B
850505 100% Organic Oolong Tea ............................ 18 bags 12 000020 5.23 948555 The Bamboo Bath Pouf .......................................1 un 144 990803 5.09 B
850510 100% Organic Chamomile White Tea ........... 18 bags 12 000037 5.23 EXFOLIATORS
850515 100% Organic Peppermint White Tea ............ 18 bags 12 000044 5.23 948115 The Flat-Out Loofah ............................................1 un 144 113004 3.59 M
850520 100% Organic Lemon Ginger Green Tea ....... 18 bags 12 000051 5.23 948165 The Get Glowing Glove - Exfoliating .................. 1 pair 144 413500 3.89 B
850525 100% Organic Sweet Dream Herbal Tea ........ 18 bags 12 000068 5.23 948318 The Serious Sisal Buffer .....................................1 un 144 114209 6.00 B
850530 100% Organic Cinnamon Rooibos Chai Tea .. 18 bags 12 000075 5.23 948345 The Boucle Bath Mitt ..........................................1 un 144 115305 4.18 B
850535 100% Org. Orange Ging. Roo. ChaiTea ......... 18 bags 12 000082 5.23 948540 The Handy-Handle Back Scrubber ......................1 un 120 990957 7.19 B
850540 Organic Green Tea Chai with Lemon ............. 18 bags 12 000099 5.23 948545 The Sudsing Soap Sleeve ...................................1 un 144 991008 3.59 B
850545 Organic Goji Berry Green Tea ........................ 18 bags 12 000105 5.23 948550 The Body-Loving Bath Mitt - Bamboo .................1 un 144 991053 4.80 B
850550 Organic Pom Green Tea w.Mix Berries .......... 18 bags 12 000112 5.23 HANDS & FEET
850555 Organic Decaffeinate Green Tea .................... 18 bags 12 000129 5.23 948125 Mani & Pedi Pack ...............................................1 un 144 120002 3.59 B
850565 Organic Jasmine Green Tea .......................... 18 bags 12 000143 5.23 948130 The Must-Have Moisturizing Gloves .................. 1 pair 144 413005 3.89 B
850570 Organic Vanilla Rooibos Chai Tea .................. 18 bags 12 000150 5.23 948135 The Bedtime Booties......................................... 1 pair 144 616000 3.89 M
850585 Organic Pu-Erh Tea ....................................... 18 bags 12 000181 5.23 948175 The Heel-To-Toe Foot Brush ................................1 un 120 210000 3.59 M
upc 049606 948180 The Love-That-Lave Pumice Stone .....................1 un 120 210208 2.39 B
PREMIUM BULK TEA 948185 The Basic Foot File .............................................1 un 180 210109 2.09 M
850210 Premium Bulk Green Tea Jasmine .....................150 g 6 003213 9.46 948190 The Classic Nail Brush .......................................1 un 144 111208 3.59 M
850225 Premium Bulk Green Tea .................................150 g 6 003275 9.46 948365 The Best-Ever Foot Paddle ..................................1 un 180 992012 5.99 B
upc 892241 FACE & HEAD
850230 Premium Bulk Oolong Tea .................................150 g 6 000907 9.46 948150 The Feel Better Eye Mask ....................................1 un 96 618509 6.28 B
850235 Premium Bulk Gunpowder Green Tea ................150 g 6 000914 9.46 upc 628338
upc 049606 948151 The Konjac Facial Sponge ...................................1 un 72 119302 6.28 B
BODY BALANCE DIETER TEAS 948152 The Wool Facial Brush ........................................1 un 144 119357 8.99 B
850275 Body Balance Original Dieter Tea .................. 30 bags 12 299340 6.17 20% J 4.94 upc 771590
upc 892241 948155 The Lovely Lavender Eye Pillow ..........................1 un 144 618004 10.78 B
850276 Body Balance Pomegranate Dieter Tea .......... 30 bags 12 000297 6.17 20% J 4.94 B 948205 The Use-it-or-Lose-it Shower Cap ......................1 un 120 115206 3.89 B
850277 Body Balance Cranberry Dieter Tea ............... 30 bags 12 000280 6.17 20% J 4.94 B 948230 The Fabulous Face Sea Sponges ...................... 4/pck 72 118009 5.99 B
upc 049606 948415 The Tough Nut Facial Buffer ................................1 un 144 119259 2.39 B
850280 Body Balance Cinnamon Dieter Tea .............. 30 bags 12 299333 6.17 20% J 4.94 948560 The Only Headband ............................................1 un 144 990858 4.80 B
850285 Body Balance Lemon Dieter Tea ................... 30 bags 12 299326 6.17 20% J 4.94 948565 The Savvy Sister Turban .....................................1 un 96 990902 8.99 B
upc 892241 upc 628338
850400 Whole Leaf, Organic Green Tea ..................... 18 bags 12 000716 6.00 948600 Smooth & Shine Hair Serum ............................80 mL 6 512004 18.00 B
850405 Whole Leaf, Organic Oolong Tea ................... 18 bags 12 000723 6.00 948605 Hair Hero Repair Oil .......................................250 mL 6 512011 18.00 B
850410 Whole Leaf, Organic Japanese Sencha ......... 18 bags 12 000730 6.00 948610 Mission Condition Treatment .........................250 mL 6 511007 18.00 B
850415 Whole Leaf, Organic White Tea ..................... 18 bags 12 000747 6.00 948615 Moisture Magnet Conditioner .........................300 mL 6 510031 10.73 B
MAY - JUNE 2020 225