Page 229 - MayJunReg2020
P. 229
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
900106 Hazelnut Chocolate Bar - Mini - New .......... 30 x 65 g 30 430088 80.29 B
VERMINTS ORGANIC MINTS BROKERED BY Marsham International (224) 544-9110
BROKERED BY Marsham International Vital Proteins helps people feel better and live fuller lives through sustainably-sourced nutrition
products, promoting health, fitness and natural beauty. We do that by providing nourishing collagen and promoting our production of collagen - an essential nutrient stripped from our diets by modern
VerMints is the leading organic mint and pastille brand in the United States. All six products - food-processing. We know that while our bodies’ collagen production slows as we age, our need
PepperMint, Wintergreen, Cinnamon, GingerMint, Chai and Cafe Express - are certified organic, for it only grows as our bodies become less efficient and we maintain a vibrant life. And Vital
non-GMO, gluten-free, Kosher, Vegan, Nut-Free and Soy-Free. Proteins believes that if you want to, you can make the most out of every moment you’re given - that
your body shouldn’t be a limitation, but a catalyst. *MAP Policy Applies*
SAVE 10% LINE DRIVE MAY upc 850005
May: 8+ cases = 5% Off,12+ cases = 10% Off 902100 Collagen Peptides Stick Pack Box .................. 20x10g 12 892724 34.65 B
upc 817335 upc 857273
481100 Organic Cinnamon Mints ............................... 6 x 40g 144 042274 19.33 10% M 17.40 B 902105 Marine Collagen Peptides, 7.8oz ........................221g 12 008529 36.68 B
481105 Organic Cafe’ Express ................................... 6 x 40g 144 042267 19.33 10% M 17.40 B 902110 Collagen Peptides, 20oz ....................................567g 6 008673 44.32 B
481110 Organic Chai Candy ....................................... 6 x 40g 144 042250 19.33 10% M 17.40 B 902115 Collagen Peptides, 10oz ....................................284g 12 008512 25.32 B
481115 Organic Ginger Mints ..................................... 6 x 40g 144 042243 19.33 10% M 17.40 B W
19.33 10% M 17.40 B VITALITY PRODUCTS INC.
481120 Organic Wintergreen Mints ............................ 6 x 40g 144 042236
481125 Organic Peppermint Mints ............................. 6 x 40g 144 042229 19.33 10% M 17.40 B (888) 855-7776
481900E Counter Display ................................................ 1 unit 50 009994
required Fill: 6 units of 6x48g, can pick mix of flavours Discover VITALITY’s Award Winning products in key sales categories: Multi, Stress, Sleep, Digestion
and, Power Iron + Organic Spirulina – winner of Top Energy Supplement of 2017 by Clean Choice
VITA-BIO - NEW Awards and Favourite Women’s Product by alive awards 2016.
May: Buy 4 Get 5th Free (single sku) for all NEW skus. (No mix and match)
Eligible for: GLOW Collagen, Mag + Chamomile (90 vcap, 120g and kids), Trace Minerals + Chlorella (877) 446-1475 (30 vcap , 90 vcap, Daily Iron + Organic Spirulina (30 vcap, 60 vcap) and Relax+ (120 tab).
Importor and distributor of specialty organic foods. DISPLAYS
951900 VITALITY Manage Stress Floor Dsply ...........1 Display 1 877.95 B
Includes 48 units total: 24 x Time Release B Complete + C 60 tab, and 24 x Relax+
60 tab.
951901 VITALITY Intro Floor Display .........................1 Display 1 877.95 B
Includes 48 units total: 12 x Super Multi+ 60 tab, 12 x TimeRelease B Complete + C
60 tab, 12 x Digest+ 60 tab, 12 x Relax+ 60 tab.
951902 VITALITY Power Iron Floor Display ...............1 Display 1 921.41 B
Includes 48 units total: 24 x Power Iron 30 vcaps and 24 x Power Iron 60 vcaps
951903 Intro Display with Iron ..................................1 Display 1 737.84 M
Includes 50 units 10 x Super Multi+ 30 tab, 10 x Time Release B Complete + C 30
tab, 10 x Digest+ 60 tab, 10 x Relax+ 60 tab, 10 x Power Iron + Organic Spirulina
30 cap.
951904 Relax+ Counter Display ..............................1 Display 1 345.12 B
Includes: 24 x Relax+ 60 tab
upc 100690 951905 Digest+ Counter Display .............................1 Display 1 345.12 B
SAUCES Includes: 24 x Digest+ 60 tab
901305 Organic Tomato Ketchup - New ................. 6 x 375ml 6 560908 29.03 B 951906 Life Energized Counter Display ....................1 Display 1 445.97 B
CANNED FRUIT Includes 24 units total: 4 x Multi 60 tab, 4 x Time Release + B 60 tab, 4 x Digest 60
901100 Org. Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes - New . 12 x 398ml 12 000220 43.78 B tab, 4 x Relax 60 tab, 4 x Iron 30 vcap, 4 x Iron 60 vcap.
upc 101851 951907 Power Iron Counter Display .........................1 Display 1 460.70 B
901105 Organic Bartlett Pear Halves - New .......... 12 x 398ml 12 000191 57.73 B Includes 24 units total: 12 x Power Iron + Organic Spirulina 30 vcaps, 12 x Power
901110 Organic Clingstone Peach Slices - New ... 12 x 398ml 12 000207 57.73 B Iron + Organic Spirulina 60 vcap.
upc 100690 upc 062044
901115 Org. Crushed tomatoes no salt added - New 12 x 796ml 12 560007 47.68 B COLLAGEN; HAIR, SKIN AND NAILS
901120 Org. Whole Peeled Tomatoes - New ......... 12 x 796ml 12 560205 47.68 B 951450 GLOW Collagen+Cranberry - 25 Day - New ......200g 26 188656 48.00 B
901125 Organic Tomato Juice - New ..................... 12 x 1.36L 12 560403 61.49 B CHILDREN
901130 Org. Tomato Paste No salt added - New ... 24 x 156ml 24 560304 48.65 B
upc 101851 951600 Magnesium+Chamomile for Kids - New ...........120g 54 123640 23.39 B
901300 Org Diced Peaches and Pears in cup - New 6x4x113ml 6 000245 41.84 B 951100 Time Release Super Multi+ 60 Days .........60 Tablets 1 230560 22.19 B
upc 100690 951105 Time Release Super Multi+ 30 Days .........30 Tablets 6 230539 15.00 B
JARRED VEGETABLES 951110 Trace Minerals+Chlorella - New ....................90 vcap 120 174895 29.39 B
951115 Trace Minerals+Chlorella - New ....................30 vcap 144 174833
901200 Organic White beans - New ....................... 6 x 540ml 6 561400 24.24 B IRON; WOMEN
upc 101851
901205 Organic Red Kidney Beans - New .............. 6 x 398ml 6 000177 24.24 B 951200 Power Iron+Organic Spirulina .......................60 vcap 6 251169 23.39 B
upc 100690 951205 Power Iron+Organic Spirulina .......................30 vcap 144 251138 15.00 B
901210 Organic Red Slice Beets - New .................. 6 x 398ml 6 000213 24.24 B 951210 Power Iron+Organic Spirulina .....................120 vcap 1 251176 42.00 B
901215 Organic Green Kidney Beans - New ........... 6 x 540ml 6 561509 24.24 B 951225 Daily Iron+Organic Spirulina - New ...............60 vcap 120 175069 21.00 B
901220 Organic Green peas - New ......................... 6 x 389ml 6 561707 24.24 B 951230 Daily Iron+Organic Spirulina - New ...............30 vcap 144 175038 12.59 B
901225 Organic Cut Green Beans - New ................ 6 x 540ml 6 561608 24.24 B STRESS; ANXIETY; INSOMNIA; HERBAL
901230 Organic Peas and Carrots - New ................ 6 x 540ml 6 562001 24.24 B 951300 Relax+......................................................60 Tablets 6 104069 14.38 B
upc 108585 951310 Magnesium+Chamomile - New ....................90 vcap 120 185396 23.99 B
FRUIT JUICE 951315 Magnesium+Chamomile - New ........................120g 54 185440 25.80 B
901400 QuickLime Juice - New ............................ 12 x 125ml 12 003121 21.55 B 951320 Relax+ - New .........................................120 Tablets 120 061096 23.39 B
901405 QuickLemon Juice - New ........................... 6 x 750ml 6 003053 37.16 B DIGESTIVE; HERBAL.
901410 QuickLemon Juice - New ......................... 12 x 125ml 12 003015 21.55 B 951400 Digest+ ....................................................60 Tablets 6 061065 14.38 B
901415 QuickLemon Juice - New ........................... 6 x 500ml 6 003077 29.05 B ENERGY; STRESS; VITAMINS
951305 Time Release B60mg+C600mg ...............60 Tablets 6 229663 22.19 B
951500 Time Release B60mg+C600mg ...............30 Tablets 6 229632 15.00 B
.951L01 VITALITY Information Guide-Training ................. 1 unit 0
.951L03 Power Iron + Spirulina Large Poster ................ 1 unit 0
.951L04 Power Iron + Spirulina Small Poster ................ 1 unit 0
.951L05 Power Iron + Spirulina Rack Card .................... 1 unit 1
.951L06 Time Release B Complete+C Rack Card .......... 1 unit 1
.951L07 Time Release SuperMulti+ Rack Card .............. 1 unit 1
MAY - JUNE 2020 227