Page 179 - May June 2021
P. 179

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     905710  Luscious Bum Baby Diapering Kit ....................... 1 kit  10 040317   15.00         E  614345  Mini Shaker Cup - Acitv White ........................500ML  72 003359   5.39         E
          Contains: Smooth as a Baby’s Bum Balm, 30 g  |  Bottoms Up! Baby Bum Spray, 60   SHAKER CUPS - MARVEL/DC
         ml  |  Sweet Cheeks Baby Bum Powder, 15 g  |  Bamboo + Cotton Washcloth  614302  LUMA Shaker, 28oz Wonder Woman ..............700ML  48 005605   12.15         E
     BABY                                                      614350  Mini Shaker Cup - Captain Marvel  ..................500ML  72 003915   7.64         E
     905701  Don’t Be Cheeky Lip & Cheek Butter ...................18 g  16 040089   6.00         E  614360  Mini Shaker Cup - Wonder Woman .................500ML  72 003892   7.64
     905704  Oh Baby! Body Lotion .......................................60 ml  12 040270   3.50         M  614365  Mini Shaker Cup - Pink Batman ......................500ML  72 003885   7.64
     905705  Sweet Pea Baby Body Wash Refill ..................500 ml   5 040140   17.00         M  614380  Shaker Cup - Pink Batman ..............................800ML  72 003212   8.91
     905706  Bottoms Up! Baby Bum Spray ..........................60 ml   9 040225   3.50         M  614385  Shaker Cup - Supergirl ...................................800ML  72 003090   8.91
     905708  Smooth as a Baby’s Bum Balm ..........................30 g  10 040034   4.00         M  614390  Shaker Cup - Spiderman ................................800ML  72 003076   8.91
     905711  All Better Aromatic Chest Balm ...........................50 g  12 040188   7.50         M  614392  Shaker Cup - Wonder Woman ........................800ML  72 003113   8.91
     905716  Oh Baby! Body Lotion .....................................250 ml  12 040256   9.76         M  614395  Shaker Cup - Black Panther ............................800ML  72 003069   8.91         E
     905717  Bottoms Up! Baby Bum Spray ........................250 ml   6 040201   9.76         M  SHAKER CUPS - STAR WARS
     905718  Sweet Pea Foaming Baby Body Wash .............210 ml   9 040157   8.76         M  614355  Mini Shaker Cup Princess Leia .......................500ML  72 003908   7.64
     905719  Sweet Cheeks Baby Bum Powder .....................100 g  12 040058   8.50         M  614370  Shaker Cup - Never Tell Me the Odds ..............800ML  72 003748   8.91         E
     905720  Smooth as a Baby’s Bum Balm ........................100 g  12 040010   11.50         M  614375  Shaker Cup - Princess Leia .............................800ML  72 003762   8.91
     905721  Scrub-a-Dub Lavender Soap ...................... 6 x 130 g   6 045381   24.00         E
     MOM-TO-BE                                                                                                       W
     905702  Sittin’ Pretty Perineal Salts ................................600 g   6 041048   10.50         M PETVET
     905703  Mama Mia Belly Butter........................................15 g   8 041024   3.50         M  BROKERED BY  Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada
     905707  Sittin’ Pretty Perineal Spray .............................125 ml   9 041031   7.00         M
     905712  Five Minutes Peace Bath Soak ..........................450 g   6 041178   11.00         M   (800) 667-4952
     905713  Mama Mia Stretch Mark Oil ..............................30 ml   9 041093   9.00         M  PET Vet, a Canadian line of products for grooming and odour control formulated by pet experts
     905714  Happy Mumma Nipple Butter ..............................28 g  10 041123   7.00         M  including shampoos, litter deodorizers and coat enhancers.
     905715  Mama Mia Belly Butter........................................65 g   8 041017   9.00         M  Buy 6 units of 1 product, get 10% off,Buy 12 units of 1 product, get 15% off
                                                                                                 upc 627645
     PEDRO’S ORGANIC COFFEE                               W    LITTERBOX DEODORIZERS                      4.73          B
                                                               536805  Cat litter Deodorizer Lavender ........................500 gm  12 901433                      (877) 297-5055  536806  Cat litter Deodorizer Lavender ............................. 1 kg  12 901327   8.40         B
     We are a family owned company that produces high quality micro-roasted coffees, and artisan   536807  Cat litter Deodorizer odourless .......................500 gm  12 901440   4.73         B
     teas that are responsibly sourced, and ethically produced. We are passionate about our family,   536808  Cat litter Deodorizer odourless ............................ 1 kg  12 901334   8.40         B
     community, and sustainability, and are extremely proud to be a Canadian owned  and operated   NATURAL PET SHAMPOO
     company.                                                  536802  Shampoo Vanilla fragrance .............................250 ml  12 901402   6.04         B
                                      upc 883664               536803  Shampoo Strawberry .....................................250 ml  12 901396   6.04         B
     DISPLAY                                                   536804  Shampoo Neutral Tearless ..............................250 ml  12 901365   6.04         B
     558900E Pedro’s Coffee Display - Empty ...................1 Display   1 001008  HEALTHY PET SUPPLEMENTS
         Required Fill: 3 cases or 18 units of Pedro’s Organic Coffee.  536800  ShineVet ........................................................... 1 litre  12 901426   25.73         B
                                      upc 208836               536801  ShineVet .........................................................250 ml  12 901419   8.40         B
     558100  Guatemalan ................................................. 6 x 400g   4 000074   62.43         B      W
                                                             B PHILLIP ADAM  INC.
     558105  Peruvian ...................................................... 6 x 400g   4 000104   62.43
     558110  Equator Blend .............................................. 6 x 400g   4 000036   62.43         B   (778) 928-9264
     558115  Rainforest Espresso .................................... 6 x 400g   4 000128   62.43         B
                                      upc 883664               Crafted with care - the guiding principal in the making of Phillip Adam hair and skin-care products.
     558120  Safari Blend ................................................. 6 x 400g   4 000001   62.43         B  They bridge the gap between salon & health food store products, incorporating Apple Cider Vinegar
                                                               in the Shampoo and Conditioner formulas.  All products are bio-degradable, paraben free, gluten
                                      upc 208836               free and not tested on animals. Made in Canada.
     558125  Sumatra Mandheling ................................... 6 x 400g   4 000210   62.43         B  upc 850402
                                                               DISPLAY/TRAVEL KIT
     PERFORMA                                                  604900  Travel Pack ...................................................4X60ML  12 000098   16.89         M
                                                                    Travel Pack includes 4 x 60ML of ACV Shampoo, ACV Conditioner, Coconut Body                                 (800) 916-1146    Wash, and Coconut Lotion. The 60ML bottles are airplane friendly.
     Performa PerfectShaker has been supplying shaker cups and fitness accessories to the Canadian   SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER
     Specialty Stores for 10 years now! Check out our new Performa Activ Shaker and our new Performa
     Matrix 6 Meal and 3 Meal Cooler Bags.  We sell the meal prep containers separately as well.    604215  Thirsty Hair Conditioner+ ...............................355ML  12 000159   16.08         M
                                      upc 672683               604220  ACV Unscented Conditioner ............................355ML  12 000104   10.65         M
     7-DAY VITAMIN CONTAINERS                                  604225  ACV  Verbena Sage Conditioner ......................355ML  12 000173   10.65         M
                                                               604230  ACV Orange Vanilla Conditioner ......................355ML  12 000241

     614400  7 Day Pill Container, Supergirl .............................1 pc  48 000259   5.11          604235  ACV Conditioner ....................................................1L  12 000135   22.84         M
     614405  7 Day Pill Container, Wonder Woman ..................1 pc  48 000228   5.11          604240  ACV Conditioner .............................................355ML  12 000067   10.65         M
     614410  7 Day Pill Container, Superman ...........................1 pc  48 000211   5.11          604245  ACV Conditioner ...............................................60ML  48 000029   3.24         M
     614415  7 Day Pill Container, Batman ...............................1 pc  48 000204   5.11          604250  Curly Hair Shampoo .......................................355ML  12 000784   11.28         M
     614420  7 Day Pill Container, Raspberry ..........................1 pc  48 000303   4.04          604255  Verbena Sage Shampoo .................................355ML  12 000166   10.65         M
     614425  7 Day Pill Container, Black/Black.........................1 pc  48 000280   4.04          604260  ACV Orange Vanilla Shampoo .........................355ML  12 000234   10.65         M
     614430  7 Day Pill Container, Mint ....................................1 pc  48 000334   4.04          604265  ACV Unscented Shampoo ..............................355ML  12 000777   10.65         M
     MEAL PREP COOLER BAG                                      604270  ACV Shampoo .......................................................1L  12 000128   22.84         M
     614200  3-Meal Cooler Bag - Black ................................1 Bag   8 004165   32.99          604275  ACV Shampoo ................................................355ML  12 000050   10.65         M
     614205  6-Meal Cooler Bag - Black/Pink ........................1 Bag   6 001423   48.99          604280  ACV Shampoo ..................................................60ML  48 000012   3.24         M
     614210  6-Meal Cooler Bag - Black/Black ......................1 Bag   6 001416   48.99          HAIR STYLING PRODUCTS
     PERFORMANCE TOWELS                                        604200  Sculpting Clay ................................................. 75GM  12 000227   12.77         M
     614100  Blue Performance Towel ...................................6.2OZ  48 003540   10.61         E  604205  Volumizer .......................................................237ML  12 000210   13.47         M
     614105  Black Performance Towel .................................6.2OZ  48 002895   10.61         E  604210  Pomade ........................................................... 28GM  12 000203   11.03         M
     SHAKER CUPS                                               HAND & BODY WASHES
     614300  Shaker Cup - Activ Black ................................800ML  72 002833   5.99          604105  Coconut Hand & Body Wash ............................60ML  48 000043   3.24         M
     614305  Shaker Cup - Activ Blue ..................................800ML  72 002826   5.99         E  604110  Verbena Sage Hand & Body Wash ..................400ML  12 000197   10.65         M
     614307  LUMA Shaker, 28oz, White .............................700ML  48 002475   9.45         E  604115  Unscented Hand & Body Wash .......................400ML  12 000005   10.65         M
     614312  LUMA Shaker, 28oz, Rose ...............................700ml  48 002468   9.45         E  604120  Lavender Hand & Body Wash .........................400ML  12 000142   10.65         M
     614315  Shaker Cup - Activ Slate .................................800ML  72 002802   5.99         E  604125  Orange Vanilla Hand & Body Wash .................400ML  12 000111   10.65         M
     614317  LUMA Shaker, 28oz, Violet .............................700ML  48 002451   9.45         E  604130  Coconut Hand & Body Wash ..........................400ML  12 000081   10.65         M
     614320  Shaker Cup - Activ White ................................800ML  72 002796   5.99          604160  Verbena Sage Hand & Body Wash .........................1L  12 000265   22.84         M
     614322  LUMA Shaker, 28oz, Mint ...............................700ML  48 002444   9.45         E  604165  Orange Vanilla Hand & Body Wash ........................1L  12 000272   22.84
     614325  Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Black .........................500ML  72 003397   5.39         E  604170  Coconut Hand & Body Wash .................................1L  12 000258   22.84
     614330  Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Blue ..........................500ML  72 003380   5.39         E  HAND & BODY LOTIONS
     614335  Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Teal ...........................500ML  72 003373   5.39         E  604100  Verbena Sage Hand & Body Lotion .................400ML  12 000180   11.28         M
     614340  Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Slate .........................500ML  72 003366   5.39         E  604135  Unscented Hand & Body Lotion ......................400ML  12 000753   11.28         M
                                                               604140  Lavender Hand & Body Lotion ........................400ML  12 000807   11.28         M
                                                               604145  Orange Vanilla Hand & Body Lotion ................400ML  12 000791   11.28         M
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE 2021  177
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