Page 184 - May June 2021
P. 184

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     735405  Digital Blue ................................................60 Softgel  12 322805   17.37  15%  B  14.76  B  338375  Super Stress B Complex + Vit C 1g .............. 60 tabs  48 212041   17.35         B
     FLOOR DISPLAYS                                            LONGEVITY
     735934  Super Lysine 49pc Floor Display .......................49pc   0 018043  806.10         B  338105  Flush-Free Niacin 500 mg ........................... 120 caps  24 214700   29.70         B
     COUNTER DISPLAYS                                          OMEGA
     735640  Zinc Elderberry Rolls Counter Dispy ................ 12 pcs   0 017817   41.16         B  338494  Triple Fish Oil 1000 mg ...........................120 softgels  24 214526   15.60         B
                                      upc 469850               PREVENTATIVE
     735645  Zinc Echinacea Rolls Counter Dispy ................ 12 pcs   0 016674   41.16         B  338133  Magnesium Bisglycinate .........................90 veg caps  24 381334   17.55         B
                                      upc 046985               338183  Vitamin D 1000 IU ......................................... 90 tabs  24 219484   6.40         B
     CLIP STRIP                                                338184  D-Mannose with Cranberry ....................60 veg caps  24 219491   21.06         B
     735927  Super Lysine+ Coldstick Clip Strip ....................12pc   0 018050   98.96          338445  Cranberry 500mg ......................................... 60 caps  48 218753   12.66         B
     735931  Lip Clear Bandage Clip Strip .......................... 6x12pc   0 017602   56.72         B  WELLNESS
     735936  SuperLysine+Cold Sore Oint ClipStp .................12pc   1 017671  113.44         B  338610  Melatonin 3 mg ......................................90 capsules  24 220121   8.32         B
     735430  Organic TheraZinc Elderberry Lozeng ......... 18 ct bag  12 211680   5.96         B
                                                             B RADIUS CORPORATION
     735435  Organic Cough Relief Bing Cherry ............... 18 ct bag  12 211703   4.80
     735440  Organic Cough Relief Meyer Lemon............ 18 ct bag  12 211710   4.80         B  BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management
     735445  Organic TheraZinc Blood Orange ................ 18 ct bag  12 211697   5.96         B
     735938  Org.CoughReliefLemonHoney ClipStrip ..6 x 18 ct bag   0 211383   28.80         B    (800) 626-6223
     735939  Org.CoughReliefB.Cherry Clip Strip ........6 x 18 ct bag   0 211376   28.80         B  RADIUS is a modern, certified women-owned oral care company inspired by nature and designed
     735941  Org.TheraZincBl.Orange Clip Strip ..........6 x 18 ct bag   0 211369   35.75         B  with purpose for a better tomorrow: better smiles, better living, and a better world. We are on a
     735942  Org.TheraZincElderRasp Clip Strip .........6 x 18 ct bag   0 211352   35.75         B  mission to make everyday better.
     LYSINE PRODUCTS                                           CARDBOARD DISPLAY
     735301  Super Lysine Plus+ Ointment ...................... 7 g tube  144 001014   9.46  15%  B   8.04  B  .787L41 Large Hook ‘’S’’ ............................................. 1 hook   0
     735302  Super Lysine Plus+ Ointment .................... 21 g tube  144 103008   22.76  15%  B  19.35  B  787901E Empty Cardboard Display ...................................1 un   0
     735303  Super Lip Care+ ColdStick...................................5 g  72 016261   8.24  15%  B   7.00  B  787902E Cardboard Display Clip Strip ......................1 clip strip   0
     735320  Super LSN Plus+ Tablets .............................. 90 tabs  12 031035   12.35         B  787903E Children Cardboard Floor Display - New ........... 1 unit   1
     735330  Super LSN Plus+ Liquid extract .......................60 ml  12 409926   15.84         B  Required Fill: Mix & match of 33 units of baby and kids toothbrushes, tooth gels and
     735340  Super LSN Plus+ Tablets ............................ 180 tabs  12 001113   23.41         B  toothpastes.
     735370  Super Immune+ Power Formula ........... 90 vegi caps  12 001120   19.42         B   upc 085178
     735700  Lip Clear Lysine+ Ointment..................................7 g  48 016742   9.46  15%  B   8.04  B  787950  Floor Display Canine Kit-Toothpaste ...................24 ct   1 014837  236.76         E
     MOUTH CARE PRODUCTS                                       TOOTHBRUSHES
     735715  Canker Care + ................................................9.7 ml  48 017862   11.50         B  Note - No choice on colours
     735720  Lip Clear Cold Sore Bandage .................12 bandages  48 016766   9.46  15%  B   8.04  B  787100  Toothbrush, Kids Brush (6 Yrs+) .......................1 un  48 110010   3.95         B
     COLD CARE PRODUCTS                                        787105  Toothbrush,Big Brush w/Head Right ...................1 un  48 000083   8.35         B
     735425  Thera Zinc Elderberry Lozenges ..........................60ct  12 017060   11.72         B  787110  Toothbrush,Big Brush w/Head Left .....................1 un  48 000090   8.35         B
     735620  Elderberry Standard Extract Caps. ................ 60 caps  12 016247   14.36         B  787115  Toothbrush, Source Soft .....................................1 un  48 000656   7.91         B
     735625  Elderberry Standard Extract Liquid ....................60 ml  12 016254   18.58         B  787116  Toothbrush, Pure Brush (6-18mo) ......................1 un  48 001080   3.04         B
     735982  Thera Zinc Throat Spray ..................................... 4 oz  12 017053   15.20         B  787117  Toothbrush, Totz (18 Mo+)Extra Soft .................1 un  48 001097   3.04         B
     735983  Thera Zinc Throat Spray ..................................... 2 oz  12 016612   8.74         B  787118  Toothbrush, Source Floss ...................................1 un  48 000847   7.91         B
     POINT OF PURCHASE                                         787130  Toothbrush, Flex Right ........................................1 un  48 000120   7.59         B
     .735FL52 ....................................... Cold Sore Dangler - French 1 pcs   1   787135  Toothbrush, Flex Left ..........................................1 un  48 000137   7.59         B
     .735L52 Cold Sore Dangler ............................................ 1 pcs   1   787145  Toothbrush, Source Medium ..............................1 un  48 000663   7.91         B
                                                               787150  Toothbrush, Tour Travel, Soft ..............................1 un  48 008003   5.41         B
                                                               787155  Toothbrush Totz Plus ..........................................1 un  48 001172   3.65         B
     QUEST - THE QUEST FOR HEALTH - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER W   787201  Replacement Head 2-Pack, Soft ..................... 2/pack  48 000670   5.77         B
                                                               787206  Replacement Head 2-Pack, Medium ............... 2/pack  48 000687   5.77         B                        (877) 265-2615  787210  Replacement Head 2-Pack, Floss ................... 2/pack  48 000694   5.77         B
     Quest®  - Your Partner in Family Health - Quest is proud to offer a full range of natural products that   787212  Replacement Head, Big Brush, Soft ................ 2/pack  48 006917   6.00         B
     deliver against a wide range of health solutions, from everyday family health to natural prevention.   TOOTHPASTE
     Quest specializes in tailored multivitamins and minerals for each life stage and gender. Learn more
     at                                  787400  USDA Organic Ging. Citrus Whitening .................85 g  48 005330   6.59         B
     Quest – Mom’s Partner in Family Health                    787405  USDA Organic Mint Aloe Neem ...........................85 g  48 005323   6.59         B
                                                               787410  USDA Organic Coconut Banana 6 mo. + ...........85 g  48 005316

     All QUEST products: 60+ units of mix and match at 20% off
     QUEST Prenatal and Postnatal products: 33+ units of mix at 35% off  787415  USDA Organic Mint Aloe Neem Trial ...................23 g  96 005378   2.45         B
                                      upc 058371               787435  USDA Organic Matcha Mint Trial Size - New .......23 g  96 009895   2.45         M
     PRENATAL AND POSTNATAL                                    787440  USDA Organic Dragon Fruit KidsTrial - New ........23 g  96 009864   2.45         M
     338289  Prenatal Multi .......................................100 veg caps  48 382898   15.72         B  787420  USDA Organic Dragon Fruit Kids Gel ...................85 g  48 005347   6.59         M
     338800  PreNu Daddy To Be - Preparation ................30 tablets  48 388067   14.87         B  787425  USDA Organic Clove Cardamom Gel ..................85 g  48 005361   6.59         M
     338805  PreNu MommyTo Be - Preparation ..............30 tablets  48 388012   13.95         B  787430  USDA Organic Matcha Mint Gel ..........................85 g  48 005354   6.59         B
     338810  LactaNu For New Mommy ..........................30 tablets  48 388050   14.42         B
     MULTIVITAMINS & MINERALS                                  PET DENTAL CARE
     338110  Super Once A Day Multi - TR ......................... 90 tabs  36 213550   23.70         B  787500  Organic Canine Dental Kit Adult ..........................1 un  48 080023   10.30         B
                                                               787505  Organic Canine Dental Kit Senior ........................1 un  48 080030

     338120  Super Once A Day Multi - TR ....................... 180 tabs  36 213567   39.85         B  787510  Organic Canine Dental Kit Puppy ........................1 un  48 080016   10.30         B
     338150  Adult Chewable Multi ..................................90 chews  36 219828   29.98         B  787515  Organic Canine Dental Gel ...................................85g  48 080078   10.30         E
     338281  Kid’s Daily One Chewable Multi ................120 chews  48 382812   19.89         B
     338282  For Teen Girls Her Daily One ......................... 90 caps  24 382829   16.36         B  FLOSS
     338283  For Women Her Daily One............................. 90 caps  48 382836   17.45         B  787119  Floss, USDA Organic Clove Cardamom .......6 x 55 yd  72 007228   23.28         B
     338284  For Mature Women 50+ Her Daily One ........ 90 caps  48 382843   16.36         B  787121  Floss, Nat. Biodegradable Silk ......................6 x 33 yd  72 007051   19.68         B
     338285  For Teen Boys His Daily One ......................... 90 caps  24 382850   16.36         B  upc 000851
     338286  For Men His Daily One .................................. 90 caps  48 382867   16.36         B  787126  Floss Sachets, Vegan Xylitol Mint................. 20x20pc  160 007129   65.59         B
     338287  For Mature Men 50+ His Daily One .............. 90 caps  48 382874   22.61         B  787127  Floss Sachets Natural Silk ........................... 20x20pc  160 007105   65.59         B
     338392  Super Once A Day Multi - TR ......................... 60 tabs  48 213543   15.63         B  upc 085178
     338400  Premium Multi-Cap Iron-Free ........................ 90 caps  48 211778   16.89         B  787129  Floss, USDA Org. Green Tea Jasmine ..........6 x 33 yd  72 007303   23.28         B
     DEVELOPMENT                                               787132  Floss, USDA Organic Vanilla Mint.................6 x 55 yd  72 007273   23.28         B
     338260  Triple Strength Glucosamine 1500mg .........60 tablets  24 211877   16.62         B  787133  Sponge Floss, Peppermint .........................6 x 55 yds  72 007198   23.28         B
     338415  Chewable Cal-Mag + Vitamin D .................90 chews  36 218982   13.41         B  TRAVEL CASES
     ENERGY                                                    787300  Case, Big Brush & Flex Brush .............................1 un  48 000380   3.04         B
     338300  Super Stress B Complex + Vit C ................. 120 tabs  36 212058   27.59         B  787305  Case, Standard Toothbrush ................................1 un  48 000397   3.04         B
                                                               787310  Case, Razor ........................................................1 un  48 000403   3.04         B
                                                               787315  Case, Soap .........................................................1 un  48 000410   3.04         B
                                                               787325  Case, Small Tampon & Condom .........................1 un  48 000441   3.04         B
   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189