Page 183 - May June 2021
P. 183
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
616235 PUR Bubblegum 9pc Gum (CDN) ............... 12x12.6g 20 001440 13.54 15% J 11.51 B 691175 Eucalyptus Radiata Org Ess Oil ..........................10ml 48 201582 7.64 B
upc 208300 PURIFYING
616940 Pur Secondary Sku Clip Strip ............................ 1 unit 36 004476 109.95 15% J 93.46 E 691705 Purifying Lotion Spray .....................................250ml 12 201971 9.91 B
Pur Secondary Sku Clip Strip 1 x wintergreen gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 1 x
cinnamon gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 1 x chocolate mint gum bag clip strip (12 RESPIRATORY
bags) 691510 Respiratory Hypertonic Nasal Spray ..................15ml 90 200165 7.12 B
616945 Pur Core Sku Clip Strip ..................................... 1 unit 36 004469 109.95 15% J 93.46 ROLLERS & SPRAYS
Pur Core Sku Clip Strip- 1 x peppermint gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 1 x spearmint 691205 Rest & Relax Air Spray - 12 E.Oils .....................75ml 48 200073 16.04 B
gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 1 x bubblegum gum bag clip strip (12 bags) 691215 Headache Roll-On 9 E.Oils ..................................5ml 48 200240 6.92 B
upc 830028 691220 Stress Roll-On - 12 E.Oils ....................................5ml 48 200080 7.84 B
MINTS 691700 Purifying Air Spray with 41 E.Oils ......................75ml 48 200943 10.74 B
616300 Spearmint Mints ............................................ 12x22g 20 001051 18.48 15% J 15.71 B SOS INSECT CARE
616305 Polar Mint Mints ............................................ 12x22g 20 001068 18.48 15% J 15.71 B 691600 SOS Bite & Sting - Insect Repellent ....................75ml 48 200134 9.46 B
616310 Peppermint mints .......................................... 12x22g 20 001044 18.48 15% J 15.71 B 691615 SOS Bite & Sting - Soothing Roll-On ....................5ml 48 200141 6.59 B
616315 Mojito Lime Mints .......................................... 12x22g 240 001075 18.48 15% J 15.71 B
616320 Tangerine Tango Mints ................................... 12x22g 20 001082 18.48 15% J 15.71 B
PURE GOODNESS BROKERED BY Marsham International (855) 787-7590
We believe in feeding our bodies clean and natural ingredients straight from the source. Which is We sell clean air. Natural air fresheners for people who think aromatherapy is weird. Aromatherapy
why we use quality ingredients you can recognize and trust. Our products are minimally processed for people who think regualr air fresheners are gross. Transform your personal space with our line
to protect their natural goodness and free from GMO’s and any artificial ingredients, flavours and of on-the-go, plant based air care products.
colours. At Pure Goodness we offer you wholesome nutrition in its purest form. DISPLAYS
upc 508211 650935 Wild Relief Floor Display ................................... 1 unit 1 319.32
CLUSTERS Contians: 36 units of Wild Relief 120 ml spray ( 4 case packs) and 36 units of 15 ml
910105 Protein Clusters Sltd Crml/DrkCh .................6x150 gr 1 005461 47.43 40% B 28.46 M travel size Wild Relief spray ( 2 case packs)
910110 Protein Clusters Drk Ch/Sea Salt ..................6x150 gr 1 005447 47.43 40% B 28.46 M upc 628055
NUT SPREADS 650940 Air Care Floor Display ....................................... 1 unit 0 811619 502.56
910121 Protein PB Spread Choc Hazelnut ................6x454 gr 1 005522 51.73 40% B 31.04 B upc 676034
910130 Powdered Peanut Butter ..............................6x454 gr 1 005553 51.73 40% B 31.04 M 650600 Hand Sanitizer Gel ...........................................125ml 24 000011 3.92 B
upc 821138 650605 Hand Sanitizer Gel Mini ......................................60ml 48 000004 2.64 B
910131 Hemp Protein Chocolate ....................................454g 6 005183 14.35 40% B 8.61 B 650610 Foaming Hand Sanitizer .................................3.78 ml 4 000028 48.65 B
910132 Hemp Protein Vanilla..........................................454g 6 005176 14.35 40% B 8.61 B 650615 Hydrating Hand Sanitizer Gel ..........................950 ml 4 000127 10.47 B
910133 Hemp Protein Natural ........................................454g 6 005169 14.35 40% B 8.61 B 650620 Touchless Hand Sanitizer Station ...................... 1 unit 12 000165 199.99 B
910134 Pumpkin Protein Chocolate ................................454g 6 005152 14.35 40% B 8.61 B Holds 1000ml - fill with foaming sanitizer (sold separately 650610)
910135 Pumpkin Protein Vanilla .....................................454g 6 005145 14.35 40% B 8.61 B 650625 Foaming Hand Sanitizer Station ........................ 1 unit 12 000141 179.99 B
Stand will hold a 3.78L Foaming Hand Sanitizer (includes one unit - 3.78L Foaming
PURELYGREAT W 650630 Touchless Foaming Dispenser Wall Mount ........ 1 unit 12 000097 99.99 B
Refill with Purple Frog Foaming Sanitizer formula (sold separately 650610) (416) 993-2561 650635 Natural Sanitizing Wipes ....................................30 ct 15 000103 6.42 B
We put your wellness first. As a family run eco-conscious company, each time you apply upc 627843
Purelygreat’s 100% natural deodorant, you can feel super confident that you are using a product
that is: Vegan • Aluminum Free • Triclosan Free • Paraben Free • EWG Verified™ • Cruelty Free AIR FRESHENERS
Free 650100 Lemongrass Hanger ......................................... 1 pcs 750 256670 2.19 B
650105 Orange Hanger ................................................. 1 pcs 750 256656 2.19 B
SAVE UP TO 20% LINE DRIVE MAY & JUN upc 628055
650115 Balsam Fir Air Freshener ......................................12g 24 811800 2.19 B
upc 627843 NURSERY SPRAY
CREAM DEODORANT 650400 Comfort Nursery Spray ...................................150ml 9 811336 6.60 B
608100 Cream Deodorant - Activ. Charcoal ......................50g 6 181477 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650405 Clean Nursery Spray ........................................150ml 9 811329 6.60 B
608105 Cream Deodorant - Floral .....................................50g 6 181491 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650410 Clear Nursery Spray ........................................150ml 9 811312 6.60 B
608110 Cream Deodorant - Spice ....................................50g 6 181484 7.35 20% B 5.88 B AROMATHERAPY SPRAY
608115 Cream Deodorant - Patchouli ...............................50g 6 181453 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650305 Recharge Spray: Pepp/Eucalyptus ...................150ml 9 811220 6.60 B
608120 Cream Deodorant - Citrus for Men .......................50g 6 181446 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650310 Relax Spray: Lavender & Chamomile ...............150ml 9 811190 6.60 B
608125 Cream Deodorant - Unscented ............................50g 6 181415 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650320 So Fresh, So Clean ............................................15ml 18 811282 2.98 B
608130 Cream Deodorant - Lavender ...............................50g 6 181439 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650325 Power Up ..........................................................15ml 18 811268 2.98 B
608135 Cream Deodorant - Citrus for Women ..................50g 6 181422 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650330 Cool Your Jets ...................................................15ml 18 811275 2.98 B
608140 Cream Deodorant Activated Charcoal Citrus ........50g 6 181507 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650930 Travel Spray Mix Pack ................................. 18x15ml 20 811299 54.00 B
upc 628250 Contains: 6x each Recharge, Refresh and Relax
608145 Cream Deodorant Activated Charcoal Lavender ...50g 6 094039 7.35 20% B 5.88 B BODY CARE
STICK DEODORANT 650500 Wild Relief Spray .............................................150ml 9 811527 6.60 B
608200 Natural Deodorant Stick - Lavender......................75g 12 094008 7.35 20% B 5.88 B 650505 Wild Relief Travel Spray ............................... 18x15ml 180 811589 41.84 B
608205 Natural Deodorant Stick - Floral ...........................75g 12 094022 7.35 20% B 5.88 B
608210 Natural Deodorant Stick - Tea Tree .......................75g 12 094015 7.35 20% B 5.88 B
PURESSENTIEL (800) 448-1448 (855) 565-7873 Since 1981, Quantum has made quality it’s first priority. Quality in each formulation, quality in
operations, and quality in every customer relationship.
The Efficacy of Nature. The best of Essential Oils form your health and well being. Puressentiel
reinvents tomorrow’s health, purer, more natual, more efficacious. SAVE UP TO 15% SELECT ITEMS MAY & JUN
upc 370105
691305 Diffusion - Air Purifying Blend ............................30ml 48 801333 7.89 B upc 046985
upc 628075 EYE HEALTH
ESSENTIAL OILS 735205 See Lutein+ ............................................ 30 Softgels 12 322799 10.27 15% B 8.73 B
691120 Tea-Tree Organic Essential Oil ............................10ml 48 200578 7.64 B
691170 True Lavender Organic Essential Oil ...................10ml 48 201605 10.35 B
MAY - JUNE 2021 181