Page 10 - Organic Gardening 3 Part Series
P. 10

Some gardeners prefer to use raised beds rather than planting directly into the

               ground.  There  are  several
               advantages  to  building  your
               garden up.

               It's  easier  and  causes  less
               strain to your body when you
               don't  have  to  stoop  or  bend

               over  to  do  your  gardening.
               You  also  have  better  control
               of  your  soil  and  nutrients  as
               you  can  start  almost  from
               scratch      and      fill    your
               containers  with  the  exact
               type of growing matter which

               each type of plant needs.

               If  you  lack  space  or  prefer  a  garden  which  you  can  incorporate  into  your
               landscaping, you have two options: turning your lawn into your vegetable garden,
               and container gardens.

               Using Your Lawn As Your Garden

               Many people are wondering if the traditional suburban lawn is really worth all the
               trouble  and  expense.  Proper  lawn  maintenance  involves  weeding,  fertilizing,
               watering, and cutting it. This is a lot of work which most people don't have the
               time to do themselves. Which means that they have to go the expensive route
               and hire a landscaping company to handle their lawn maintenance.

               Planting  fruit  trees  in  a  largely  barren  area
               provides  shade  for  less  heat  tolerant

               vegetables.  Plants  which  repel  insects  are
               located  next  to  plants  which  are  prone  to
               infestations.  Everything  works  in  harmony
               which reduces the need for additional water,
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