Page 14 - Organic Gardening 3 Part Series
P. 14

There  are  different  types  of  subsoils:

               hard  clay,  bedrock,  stony  material,  and
               even  sand.  There  really  isn't  anything
               you  can  do  about  your  subsoil  but  it's
               important  to  know  what  type  of
               drainage it provides.

               A porous subsoil will allow roots to reach
               down  for  nutrients,  and  during  dry
               weather,  for  water.  If  your  subsoil  is
               compacted,  then  your  best  option  is  to
               make  raised  beds.  That  way  you  can
               increase  drainage  and  the  amount  of

               good soil available to your plants.

               Is Your Soil Alkaline Or Is It Acidic?

               Measuring your soil's pH level is important because most plants need soil which is
               slightly acidic, in the 6.2 to 6.8 level. For reference, a pH of 7 is neutral, less is

               acidic and anything above 7 is alkaline.

               A laboratory test is ideal, but soil test kits are sold in most garden centers and

               home improvement stores. The kit will quickly indicate your soil's pH by using a
               simple color system. Acidic soil using turns the testing solution an orange-yellow,
               neutral shows as green, and alkaline soil turns it dark green. If you have a local
               Cooperative Extension Service, nearby, you can have your soil tested there. They
               will also be able to tell you if your soil has any deficiencies and suggest ways to
               improve it.
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