Page 15 - Organic Gardening 3 Part Series
P. 15

Types of Soil

                     Sandy  soil  drains  easily  but  it  dries  out  quickly  in  the  summer  heat.  It
                       contains few nutrients so you will need to fertilize regularly. It is a good soil
                       for  cool  season  crops  because  it  retains  heat  in  the  spring  when  most
                       gardens in northern regions are being started.
                     Clay is heavy and rich in nutrients. It drains poorly in winter which makes
                       for a waterlogged garden during the spring thaw. They maintain moisture in

                       the summer so they're good for warm weather crops.
                     Loam is a crumbly soil which combines the best features of sand and clay.

               How To Check Your Soil's Drainage

               Remember the hole you dug to examine the soil

               in your yard? Now it's time for a little experiment
               to find out how well it drains. Fill the hole with
               water, cover it, and leave it overnight.

               If the water is still there the next morning, your
               soil is draining poorly. This means you may need
               to  set  up  a  drainage  system  or  resort  to  raised
               beds.  Excess  water  is  deadly  for  plants,  causing
               root rot and weakening the plant and making it
               susceptible to pests and diseases.
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