Page 66 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 66

60  tHE  UltiMatE  bOOK  OF  dECOratiVE  KnOts

                   seven-strand braids
                   Now, extend the five-strand with two more strands,
                   which is about all most people can handle at first.
                   Some people cannot ‘get’ this type of braiding – it is
                   difficult to keep straight and flat but, with practice,
                   it can be mastered. Try putting a weight on the
                   top of the braid as you complete it and maintain
                   the tension off to each side rather than pulling
                   everything tight down the centre of the braid,     This is the front of the Seven-Strand Braid, worked
                                                                      looser so that you can see the pattern.
                   because the braid is made with the same start from
                   the right each time. There are also two methods
                   of constructing this braid. To the right is shown a
                   finished seven-strand braid created using the normal
                   method of over one, under one across the full range
                   of cords.
                      These instructions detail how to use the second
                   method to construct a seven-strand braid.

                                                                     3         Move the first cord on the right under one,

                                                                               over two, and then under the next left…
                 1        start with all strands laid flat, three on the left

                          and four on the right.

                  2         Move the first cord on the left, over one, under   4  – back to the left side, over one, under one…

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