Page 69 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 69
braids and plaits 63
1 start by inserting the cord through the lucet, 3 Continue the cord anti-clockwise around the
left fork and across the front of the right-hand
from the side furthest from you, toward your
body – note that the lucet is shown held in the
starting sequence.
left hand here but it may equally be held in the fork, above the previous pass. This is the
right hand.
4 Take hold of the previous
pass on the right fork and
move it up over the single
cord as a loop and drop
the loop over the back of
the right-hand fork.
2 Bring the cord to your right behind the
right-hand fork, around it clockwise, and
then cross between the forks to move
the cord behind the left fork.
5 rotate the lucet in your
left hand by twisting it
180 degrees clockwise
while holding on to the
cord with your right hand.
Bring the cord above the
top of the loop on the
right-hand fork and repeat
from stage 4.