Page 68 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 68

62  tHE  UltiMatE  bOOK  OF  dECOratiVE  KnOts

                   other braids                                       almost indistinguishable from eight-strand square
                   Other braids can be made with the same over-under   sinnet.  You can make these braids using tools or
                   pattern. Try mixing up the colours for more pleasing   by hand. One useful tool is called a lucet. This is a
                   visual effects, such as those shown in the samples   simple two-pronged fork with a hole in the handle
                   below. Enjoy, and start to invent your own colour   for the finished braid to pass through.
                   patterns – maybe use your favourite team or school    The braid is made by flipping a Half Hitch over
                   colours!                                           each prong in turn, with the beginning or forming
                                                                      end of the cord passed down through the hole in the
                   Other single-strand Braids                         fork handle. The process progresses by slipping the
                   These last forms of braids are made using a        prior Half Hitch over the top of the new one. Each
                   single cord instead of multiple cords. You can use   Hitch is then tightened in turn. The Half Hitches
                   single-strand braiding, made from loops, to form   are prevented from coming undone by locking each
                   continuous lengths of very pleasing patterns for   ‘stitch’ or Half Hitch to the next. The braid may be
                   decorating drapes and for adding special touches to   made with one or more cords.
                   a dress uniform or even trumpets and bugles, that is

                   Braids made with varying numbers of cords using different colours to add a little interest (from the top
                   left to bottom right 4-, 5-, 6-, 8-, and 11-cord braids). Note the twist in the four-strand to show the front
                   and back.
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