Page 84 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 84
78 tHE UltiMatE bOOK OF dECOratiVE KnOts
other plaits
Wall-Around-the-Crown plaits are easy to form
with any number of strands. Here I have shown
some strands in a single colour and then in two
colours to illustrate what is achievable.
Start with the basic crowning technique, shown
here tied anti-clockwise.
1a Cross two cords in their
centre, knotting them
together if you wish – it
is not vital to making 1d – then anti-clockwise again, pass the next
the knot, but it makes it strand over two.
easier to handle.
1e – finally moving the last strand over two and
under the first strand, completing the cycle.
Here we show the beginning of an
anti-clockwise Crown – pass one strand
1b anti-clockwise over its neighbour…
1c – then anti-clockwise
again, pass the next
strand over two.
1f The last stage is to tighten all the