Page 88 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 88

82  tHE  UltiMatE  bOOK  OF  dECOratiVE  KnOts

                  7       Form another Half Hitch around the base            Pass the working end under three, then over one,

                                                                             and tuck the working end under the previous
                          material below the last pass.
                                                                      8 Half Hitch. repeat stages 7 and 8.

                                   The faired and finished single strand French Sinnet as a plait on the
                                   base material. Note the single chevron in the centre as a series of Xs.

                   single-strand sinnet Plait
                   This has a slightly different finish than the French
                   Single-Strand Plait. Note that both of these plaits
                   employ only one strand and yet the finished article
                   has a great intricacy that belies its simple base. For a      Make a second pass
                   complete project, try adding a Turk’s Head Knot at   1b       in the same direc-
                   the beginning and end to cover the start and finish.          tion, just below the
                                                                                 previous pass…
                 1a           Pass the line around

                              the base material and
                              over itself.

                                                                                      1c           – around again to the

                                                                                                   right and downward…
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