Page 86 - The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots
P. 86

80  tHE  UltiMatE  bOOK  OF  dECOratiVE  KnOts

                      Finally we combine the two techniques together
                   to make the Wall-Around-the-Crown seen here.

                                                                      Finally, the fully expanded Wall-Around-the-Crown
                                                                      plait, which nearly doubles the length of the plait
                                                                      from the crushed version before.

                  4         Pull the wall tight around the Crown, making

                            it all snug and tight together. Be sure to keep
                            some pressure on top of the knot, so that it
                                                                      crown, followed by a Wall around it, followed by
                            does not explode upward!                  Here we see the side view of several passes of a
                                                                      another Crown, another Wall around it and so on.

                      Here’s what the Wall-Around-the-Crown           (green, yellow, green, yellow) and then with side-
                   plait looks like when we use different-coloured    by-side colours at the start (yellow, yellow, green,
                   cords, first with opposing colours at the start    green):

                   Note the length of the spiral visible in the two   Again the two colours are shown in their made
                   colours.                                           form, with the Wall and Crown tight against each

                                                                      The spiral is still there, but now it is longer, with
                   Here the expanded version of the braid, pulled out   adjacent colours at the start and having what
                   at each end, shows the lovely effect of the spiralling   appear as Overhand Knots in the same colour
                   of colours.                                        along the length.
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