P. 18


                                SEPTEMBER 2020

                                                year, or make a bigger move in your ca-    Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
            Virgo (August 23 – September 22)      reer and it just hasn’t taken hold yet.   The stars are on your side when it comes to
           September is all about reinvention and   Whatever dreams you were holding onto   thinking big and making moves in the
         redefining your life or coming out of your   for 2020, know that a new wave of opti-  world. It’s a great time to bring attention to
         shell and being the most you’ve ever been.   mism is coming your way.       your skills, creativity and career. Don’t be
           As they say, you are another year older                                   shy about putting yourself out there, pro-
          and wiser. But you’re also stepping into a   Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)   moting your work and showing what you’re
          new level of confidence that is going to   First, you’ll get a welcome boost of ener-  capable of.
              help you be your best self yet.   gy when Jupiter stations direct on Satur-  There’s a surge of confidence and inspira-
          If you do one thing this month: Identify   day, September 12. Another wave of   tion coming your way. Use it wisely and let
           one characteristic you want to develop   relief comes along later in the month,   yourself get noticed.
         within yourself. What is one thing you can   when Saturn, your ruler, stations direct
           do to nurture this character trait this   on Tuesday, September 29. Both of     Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
                       month?                    these heavy-hitting planets are hanging   This month it’s time to nurture your poten-
                                                out in your sign this year, bringing both   tial without diluting your focus on things
            Libra (September 23 – October 22)        opportunity and challenges.    that don’t really matter to you. Get ready to
         Does life suddenly feel a little busier than                                make new habits or break some old ones.
            usual, Libra? There’s a lot of energy   Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)   You don’t have to hold onto your old ways
           around your social life this month, so   Maybe you thought you would be fur-  of doing things anymore, especially if
          don’t be surprised if things are moving   ther ahead by now. Maybe you thought   something has become inefficient or incon-
                        fast.                    something would be easier. Maybe you             venient.
          It’s up to you how much of yourself you   thought you would be in a different
          give this month and what you choose to   place in your life. but, you know       Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
          focus on. You’ve got some good options   what?  You’re exactly where you need to   Don’t let anyone rush you into something
          ahead of you here, Libra, but don’t feel   be, even if the terrain looks a little differ-  you’re not ready for, Cancer. Your intuition
            pressured to fit it all into one single   ent than you anticipated.     is kicking in strong this month and it’s tell-
                       month.                                                        ing you to pace yourself. Listen to it. For
                                                   Pisces (February 19 – March 20)   you, September is a time to deliberate and
           Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)   “Settled” is a good word for you to med-  reflect. If your gut is telling you to hold off
          This is a time to get out of that job that   itate on this month, Pisces. In what ways   on a big decision, or to put off from mak-
           you know you should have left a long   are you getting settled in September? Or,   ing a plan no matter how big or small stay
         time ago. Or to finally cut loose that toxic   where do you want to feel more settled?    patient.
          friend you keep in your life despite their   The stars are encouraging you to let
         many missteps. It’s a time to look around   yourself put down roots right now.    Leo (July 23 – August 22)
          at who and what you want to move for-  If you do one thing this month: Turn off   You’ve got money on your mind this
           ward with into 2021, and what you’re   the distractions and let yourself get com-  month, Leo. Don’t be afraid to look at that
          ready to say goodbye to. Don’t be afraid   fortable in whatever calls to you..   bank account or go over those bills that
           of the changes that can happen now:                                       have been piling up. The skies are helping
         You’ll feel so much better when you’re no   Aries (March 21 – April 19)      you to secure your foundation, organize
                 longer weighed down.             September marks a turning point for   any debts, and clear away confusion or
                                                 you, Aries. With Mars, your ruler, sta-  frustration around your finances.
         Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)   tioning retrograde, it’s important to pay   If you do one thing this month: Do you
          This is good news for Sagittarians who   attention. You’re not one to slow down   need to make more money, save more
          have felt stuck or slowed down since the   very often, but if you’ve been needing a   money or spend more money? Identify
          spring. Of course, this global pandemic   timeout from something or someone,   your current financial goal and then take
         hasn’t been helping; still, maybe you were   this retrograde is the time to take it.   the first step to work towards it.
          expecting to get more accomplished this

        18                                                                                 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር ”                                                          ድንቅ   መጽሔት -  መስከረም  2012
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