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Hamlet, The Fantasticks; Main Street ZAC MILLER (Music Engineer) socially
Theater: Woof, Breakfast at Eight, The distance engineered music for Buttons’
Pie Dialogues; 4th Wall Theatre Company: Sleeping Beauty from Denver, CO. For
Small Mouth Sounds, God of Carnage; over 25yrs he’s worked in live news, sports,
Main Street Youth Theater: Jackie and and entertainment production, operations
Me, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (NEA and engineering. Book and lyrics with
Tour), James and the Giant Peach, The David Nehls, Killer Wigs From Outer
BFG (Big Friendly Giant); Town Center Space. Before COVID, he worked in the in-
Theatre: All in the Timing, Sylvia, Night arena sports presentations at Pepsi Center
and Her Stars, Quilters; Rice University: now Ball Arena. He is currently in the NBA
All in the Timing, Unhinged Productions: COVID Red Zone as a Statistics Engineer
(Loosely) Lysistrata,Raised in Captivity; for the Denver Nuggets. He just started a
University of Houston: Fifth of July, new job as a Broadcast Systems Engineer
Marvin’s Room, Falsettos; Edward Albee at 9News KUSA/KTVD.
New Playwrights Workshop: Touching
Leaves. She has also worked in various FIRAT ÖZSOY (Sound Designer) was born
costuming positions for the Houston Ballet, in Ankara, Turkey. He began his training
the Alley Theatre, Houston Shakespeare in Classical Ballet at age 11 and graduated
Festival, Children’s Theatre Festival, and from the Hungarian Dance Academy in
Houston Community College Southwest. Budapest, Hungary. In 1997 Firat joined
Some of her design work was exhibited Houston Ballet, under the direction of
at the American Institute of Architecture. Ben Stevenson. Currently, Firat serves as
Tiffani teaches costuming and stage ballet master at the University of Houston
make-up and freelances as a make-up and is a professional audio engineer and
artist for independent film. She is currently sound designer.and many studios around
the Costume Shop Manager at Stages. Houston.
Education: University of Houston, BA
JANESSA A. HARRIS (Lighting Designer)
is from Houma, LA but resides in Spring,
Texas. She began her professional
career as a lighting designer at McLeod
Summer Playhouse in Carbondale, IL. She
continued on to Norwegian Cruise Line as
their Lighting Technician for a year and
has joined Stages for a second time this
year to present Stages’ Button’s Sleeping
Beauty. She holds a Bachelor from
Louisiana State University and a Master of
Fine Arts from Southern Illinois University
in theatre. Stages credits include Stages
Studio Sessions with Raven Troup. Lighting
Designer credits include Pinkalicious the
Musical, Spring Awakening the Musical,
Burn the Floor: Farewell Show, Norwegian
Getaway Christmas Show, The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter and the
Starcatcher. She wants to thank Stages for
giving her the opportunity to paint the stage
once more.