Page 12 - Panto Buttons Playbill 121820FINALx3
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      RYAN SCHABACH (Buttons) returns     GENEVIEVE ALLENBURY (The Queen) is
      to Stages after performing the role of   honored to be part of this COVID-Defiant
      BUTTONS in Panto Hansel & Gretel last   Team that was determined to bring you the
      December.  In addition he has had the   13th Season of this very British art form
      honor of directing Panto Mother Goose,   - in a very different way! She previously
      playing Hamlet in Wittenberg directed   appeared in Pantos Cinderella (2008 &
      by Josh Morrison and co-writing, along   2017), Sleeping Beauty, Mother Goose,
      with Houston’s very own Elizabeth Keel   Rapunzel, Snow Queen, Wonderful Wizard,
      on Panto Star Force. Past acting credits   Star Force, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red
      include: the King in Underpants at   Riding Hood & Goldilocks (the last two
      Milwaukee Rep, three seasons at The Utah   of which she was also wrote for Stages)
      Shakespearean Festival playing Costard   Genevieve appeared in 2 seasons of
      in Love’s Labour’s Lost; Guildenstern in   ABC TV’s critically acclaimed Medieval
      Hamlet; and Sebastian in 12th Night;   Musical Comedy Series, GALAVANT as The
      Sylvia and Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 at   Queen of Valencia. Her 1st professional
      Next Act; Almost, Maine and Visiting Mr.   role was with the Royal Shakespeare
      Green with Unity Theatre in Brenham and   Company and she has gone on to enjoy
      Robert in Boeing Boeing for MKE Chamber   an expansive career across all media.
      Theatre. Ryan recently directed Beast on   Theatre: Midsummer Night’s Dream
      the Moon at Unity Theatre, Unnecessary   (Titania), Thor, With Angels (Clodesuida),
      Farce for MKE Chamber Theatre and   Privates on Parade (Sylvia Morgan), Twelfth
      Videographer/editor on Rosalind for Door   Night (Olivia), The Price (Esther), What
      Shakespeare.                        The Butler Saw (Mrs. Prentice),Table
                                          Manners (Sarah), acclaimed one-woman
                                          show A Mother - Questions of Terrorism
                                          & Repression, Steel Magnolias (Clairee)
                                          (also for Stages), Mrs. Slifer in the World
                                          Premiere of John Osborne’s, Personal
                                          Enemy which she performed both in
                                          London & New York & Othello (Emilia) at
                                          the Wallis Annenberg Centre in L.A. TV
                                          appearances include Quiet Conspiracy,
                                          Healing Nightmare, Birds Fall Down,
                                          Coronation Street, Doctors,Emmerdale, Ant
                                          & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway,
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