Page 7 - Panto Buttons Playbill 121820FINALx3
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                                          Needless to say, 2020 has been
                                          a very different year than the one
                                          we’d planned and expected.

                                          We started this year full of excitement and
                                          incredible anticipation for the hundreds
                                          of opportunities we’d have in the months
                                          ahead to welcome artists and audiences
                                          into our new home, The Gordy. We’d been
                                          preparing for years—planning, fundraising,
                                          building—and this was our moment to
                                          We’d done a ton of scenario planning as we
       prepared this venue for Houston audiences thinking through every possible impact and
       how we would address. Turns out we hadn’t thought about a global pandemic that would
       keep the doors closed for months! Will have to add to the list for next time.
       While we had not explicitly planned for a pandemic, everything we’d done in preparing
       ourselves for the life changing moment of opening this venue gave us all the tools we
       have needed to thrive today. The creativity and adaptability of #TeamStages has been so
       intensely inspiring to experience during this time. I sincerely hope that you have shared
       that experience.

       Over 47,000 audience members have joined Stages’ artists in new digital mediums. The
       breadth and diversity of the digital programming produced has been remarkable. And
       on we go with productions of Holiday at the Hopes: A Christmas Mixup and Button’s
       Sleeping Beauty: A One-Man Outrageous Unbelievable COVID Lockdown Panto!
       Thank you for remaining on this journey with us! Your support is critical to our
       community’s ability to grow and thrive, even at this time that looks oh-so-different from
       what we expected.
       We’re grateful to be on this journey with you and look forward to sharing many new,
       dynamic experiences together—in person and virtually—in the months and years ahead!

       Mark Folkes
       Managing Director
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