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The very same spirit of optimism, fearlessness and determination permeates our
      second holiday offering as well. What began as a large-scale jukebox musical moved
      through several iterations before settling in to become the intimate radio play Holiday
      at the Hope’s. For this effort, a return to simple, intimate communication opened up
      possibilities for the creative team and allowed our lead artists to shine in ways at once
      familiar and new. What makes this project so special is the bold sharing that Ben Hope
      and Katie Barton Hope explore as married artists whose dreams of a home have come
      true and whose dreams of parenthood are yet to be. The deeply personal story opens up
      the universal spirit of the season with love and is a blessed addition to Stages’ holiday

      Last year, I returned to Great Lakes for the 30th Anniversary Celebration of their marvelous
      production of A Christmas Carol. Though I hadn’t seen it in 19 years, I knew every line,
      every moment, every breath. I met the actor playing my original roles—he wasn’t even born
      when I started the show. But that is what tradition is all about isn’t it? Traditions ground us
      in history and give us a sense of connection over the ages. Traditions also adapt and grow
      as our lives expand. Young men and women who came to our first Pantos as children now
      bring their own children to see the shows. And to meet their zany old friend Buttons.
      The way we share our stories may have changed —for now—but with Buttons’ Sleeping
      Beauty and Holiday at the Hope’s, one thing has remained constant - our desire to bring joy
      and hope to you at holiday time. We offer these shows to you, dear audience, with love.

      Thank you for inviting us into your homes this season.
      We look forward to hosting you all at our place next year!
      Happy Holidays,

      Kenn McLaughlin
      Artistic Director
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