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DAVID NEHLS (Music/Music Director) As CURE, a holiday CD benefitting Broadway
a composer/lyricist, David has supplied Cares/Equity Fights AIDS for the years
music and lyrics for the following: The 1998-2005.
Great American Trailer Park Musical
(Dodger Stages/ 2007 National Tour/ 2004 LESLIE SWACKHAMER (Director)
NYMF Festival/2008 Edinburgh Festival/ Stages: NSFW, My Mañana Comes, The
Produced Regionally), Broadway Bares 19 Revisionist, Straight White Men, Marie
& 20 (Opening Numbers for both years) Antoinette, Rabbit Hole, In the Next
as well as the 2016 opening number for Room or The Vibrator Play, The Andrews
Broadway Bares Fire Island, I’ll Be Home Brothers, Failure: A Love Story, Man from
for Christmas (World Premiere 2016 Nebraska, The Great American Trailer
at the Arvada Center For The Arts And Park Musical, Lady,Amy’s View. Regional:
Humanities), The Watercoolers (2002 Off Constellations (The Alley Theatre); ACT
Broadway Production/ 2007 National Tour/ Theatre (Seattle): A Christmas Carol,
Continuing Industrials) BREACH (Evolution Avenue X, Old Wicked Songs, Later Life,
Theatre Company), A Midnight Clear, Going to St. Ives, The Nina Variations;
Panto Sleeping Beauty (both 2009 and a The Psychic Life of Savages (The Empty
special 2020 edition online), Panto Mother Space) Madison Rep: Wit, What Corbin
Goose (all at Stages), It’s a Wonderful Knew; Much Ado About Nothing (Seattle
Life (1993 National Tour/Produced Shakespeare); numerous Cleveland Play
Regionally), Killer Wigs from Outer Space House productions including Reckless,
(2017 NYMF, Benefit concert for Denver The Baltimore Waltz and The Butcher’s
Actor’s Fund 2018, workshop production Daughter; American Stage: Lost in Yonkers,
2016 CU Boulder and Short Animation Mrs. Klein; Tacoma Theatre Guild: Driving
Project, GenCon Selection- 2013, Terror Miss Daisy, The Whales of August; The
Film Festival, Philadelphia-2013), The Last Schwartz (Florida Studio Theatre).
Great American Trailer Park Christmas Other theatres include Southcoast Rep,
Musical (Premiere at Stages, Houston,
Produced Regionally) and the new Seattle Rep, New Harmony Theatre, The
musical Mommie Dearest which he has Cherry Lane, Dobama, Grex, Cleveland
collaborated with Christina Crawford. His Public, Intiman Theatre, Brave New
current project is The Wind based on Works (Atlanta), and The Playwrights
the 1928 silent film starring Lillian Gish Center. A passionate advocate of new
workshopped at the Arvada Center for work, and work by women, Leslie is the
the Arts and Humanities. Look for the Executive Director of the Susan Smith
release of his new song We Are Here. As Blackburn Prize, the oldest and largest
a Musical Director, David has conducted international prize specifically recognizing
and MD’d 50 productions at the Arvada women playwrights. Leslie also founded
Center For The Arts and Humanities in the Women Playwright’s Festival in
Colorado, winning 9 Henry Awards, 4 for Seattle at A Contemporary Theatre and
Musical Direction (2008/2009/2013/2014) Hedgebrook. Opera companies include the
and 5 for Best Musical Production of the San Francisco Opera, Washington National
year (2007/2008/2009/2011/2013). He Opera at the Kennedy Center, Vancouver
has also worked regionally as MD at such Opera, Opera Carolina, Seattle Opera,
theaters as Denver Center, The Riverside Houston Grand Opera, Opera Omaha,
Theatre, The Aurora Fox Theatre, AMT Madison Opera, Dayton Opera, Opera in
of San Jose, Theatre Aspen, ICA Boston, the Heights, Opera på Skäret in Sweden.
Theatreworks Hartford, Carousel Dinner Also an educator, Leslie has taught theatre
Theatre-Akron OH. He has also acted (directing, stage movement, theatre history,
as Musical Director/Composer/Arranger/ playwriting and theatre management) at
Musical Supervisor for CAROLS FOR A