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      Steven Owsley           George C. Lancaster     Randel R. Young
      Chair                   Chair Emeritus          Chair, Strategic Planning
      Partner, Owsley &       SVP of Corporate        Partner, Practice
      Associates              Communications, Hines   Area Leader, Energy,
      Jane Crowder Schmitt    Jo Furr                 Infrastructure & Resources,
      President               Chair, Development      K&L Gates
      SVP, Human Resources    Community Leader        Mike Dishberger
      (Retired),              Neal Hirsch             CEO & Co-Owner
      Cameron International   Chair, Nominating and   Sandcastle Homes
      Kay Brazelton Bruce     Governance              Glenda Gordy
      Secretary               Managing Partner        Vice President/Director
      Community Leader        (Retired), Richard,     Gordy Oil Company
      Phillip Vogelsang       Wayne and Roberts       Myrtle Jones
      Treasurer / Chair, Finance  Jim Nicklos         Senior Vice President, Tax
      Executive Director, Ernst &   Chair, Audit      Halliburton
      Young                   President
                              Nicklos Drilling Company


      Ralph Burch             Lauren Hagerich         Mauri Oliver
      Deputy General Counsel   Senior Market          President
      (Retired)               Development Manager,    Advancing Communications
      International,          K&L Gates LLP           & Learning
      ConocoPhillips          Joanna Handel           Vice President
      Kalinda Campbell        Sales                   More Than You Can
      Diversity and Inclusion   Tootsies              Imagine, Inc.
      Sunday Riley                                    Thomas D. Paul
      Modern Skincare         Cindy Sparkman Langham   PhD Of Counsel
                              Head of Human Resources
      Dominic Cellitti        Sheridan                Norton Rose Fulbright
      Certified Financial Planner   Harriet C. Latimer   Angela Haraka Ramm
      Morgan Stanley          Principal               Community Leader
      Sally Edmundson         Harriet Latimer &       Hans Roth
      Actor/Community Leader  Associates              Managing Director
      Duke Ensell             Alexander Lazar, MD / PhD   Russell Reynolds
      President               Professor               Associates
      Admiral Transfer and    UT MD Anderson Cancer   Ted Swindley
      Rigging                 Center                  Founding Artistic Director
      Stacy L. Feltham        Raymond F. Messer       Stages
      VP Legal Petroleum &    Chairman Emeritus       Charles Walker
      North America           Walter P. Moore         Head of IP Disputes, US
      BHP                     Mary Moore              Norton Rose Fulbright
      Alicia Gordy            Independent CPA
      The Breathing Room
      Cynthia Guill
      Community Leader
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