Page 48 - Panto Buttons Playbill 121820FINALx3
P. 48
The Gordy is a smoke-free campus. Wine, beer, cocktails, and snacks are
available in our lobby before performances,
PHOTOGRAPHS & RECORDINGS during intermission, and post show. Please
The plays you experience in our theaters, feel free to take your beverages with you into
including the sets, lights, costumes, music the theaters, but we ask that you limit food
and sounds, represent the creative work of consumption to the lobby areas.
many artists. Out of respect for that work
and consideration for fellow audience LISTENING SYSTEM
members and the performers, we ask Assisted listening devices are available upon
that you please refrain from taking any request and are free of charge. Please ask at
photographs, videos, or other recordings the Box Office when you pick up your tickets.
during performances. Patrons who attempt
to operate any type of recording device SPECIAL EFFECTS
during the performance may be asked to Our shows occasionally use haze, fog, strobe
leave the theater. With that said, many of lights, and other special effects. If you have
our actors are delighted to greet fans in the concern about these special effects please
lobby after performances and may be contact our Patron Services Team for details
happy to take a quick picture with you at prior to purchasing tickets.
their discretion.
CHILDREN Some shows may contain graphic language,
We’re big fans of little people! In fact, we violence, sexual situations, and other content
have a range of programs just for them. that some parents and sensitive viewers may
But when it comes to performances a few find uncomfortable. If you have questions
ground rules do apply: Children aged 5 years about the content of a specific show, please
and older who are capable of sitting quietly contact our Patron Services Team ahead of
through up to three hours are welcome at time.
regular performances when accompanied
by an adult. All children must be ticketed FIREARMS
for their own seat. Should a child become Pursuant to section 30.06, penal code
restless, our ushers may direct the adult and (trespass by license holder with a concealed
child to the lobby until the child is calm handgun), a person licensed under
again. Children will be welcome to subchapter H, chapter 411, government code
resume their seats at the discretion of our (handgun licensing law), may not enter this
House Manager and/or at intermission. property with a concealed handgun.
For designated family productions,
children should be at least 3 years old Pursuant to section 30.07, penal code
and accompanied by an adult. While the (trespass by license holder with an openly
environment in family productions is more carried handgun, a person licensed under
relaxed, we may still ask very agitated subchapter H, chapter 411, government
children (and their adults) to take a break code (handgun licensing law), may not
in the lobby if they are distracting fellow enter this property with a handgun that is
audience members and performers. carried openly.