Page 22 - Practical Technology 2025
P. 22

               Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D        Level Three        2  Semester       2024/2025      Pharmaceutical Technology (PT 607)

               Lab (1): Heat Transfer

               Heat is that from of energy which flows from one system to another when
               there is a temperature differential between the systems.

               Heat Transfer is the actual flow of heat energy between systems by one of

               the following mechanisms:

                  Conduction                    Convection                    Radiation
                  Conduction is the             When heat flows by            Radiation is a term
                  flow of heat by direct        flows by actual               given to the
                  contact between a             mixing of warmer              transfer of energy
                  warmer  and a cooler          portions with  cooler         through space by
                  body without bulk             portions of the same
                  motion.                       materials, the                means of
                                                mechanisms is known           electromagnetic
                                                as  convection.               waves.

               Tubular heaters and heat exchangers

                          Tubular Heaters                         Tubular Heat Exchanger

                 Heat transfer from gas to liquid           Heat transfer from liquid to liquid or from
                                                            gas to gas

               Tubular Heaters:


                                                   Multi         Single
                                                    pass          pass

                                            Fixed        Floating
                                            head           head

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