Page 56 - Practical Technology 2025
P. 56
Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D Level Three 2 Semester 2024/2025 Pharmaceutical Technology (PT 607)
II) Tablet Friability:
Tablet friability is the evaluation of the ability of tablets to withstand abrasion, packaging,
handling and shipping. It can also be defined as the phenomenon whereby tablet surfaces are
damaged and /or show evidence of lamination or breakage when subjected to mechanical shock
or attrition. To monitor the resistance of tablets to such stress and to decide on their suitability
for further processing such as coating, tablets are routinely subjected to friability test.
Apparatus: Roche Friabilator.
1- Select 10 tablets and weigh them, then place in the friabilator.
2- The friabilator operates for 100 revolutions (25 rpm for 4 minutes).
3- At the end of the operation, remove all the tablets and ensure freedom from dust or powder.
The tablets are reweighed then determine the percentage loss of weight.
% Friability = [ − ] X 100
• Conventional compressed tablets that lose up to 1 % in weight are generally acceptable.
• Some chewable tablets & most effervescent tablets would have higher friability weight
losses, which accounts for the special stack packaging that may be required.
• When capping is observed during friability testing, the tablet shouldn't be considered
acceptable, regardless of what the % weight loss result in.