P. 26

The File Department

                                                   Mr. Pedro Miranda

                                                       Juana López

                  The  management  has  instructed  us  to  determine  whit  the  File
                  Department has not satisfactory carried out is duties; that is, to
                  preserve valuable documents and provide immediate information. This
                  report is a study of the problem and include suggestions for some
                  possible solutions.

                  The problem, which has cost many complains for the employees is on
                  the control system than is used for the documents which are taken
                  from Mr. Robert Brown desk in spite on the fact that the employees
                  are very competent and there are no questions about the quality of
                  his work, the present method of control basses considerable delay
                  returning documents from various offices, to the main file.
                  The delay which many employed have experienced in obtaining material
                  on loan from the main file results in the loss valuable walking time.
                  Also, delays the rate of work and the production in the departments
                  that depends of the files as a solve of material. The almost fire
                  in the File Departments as a result of this is quite tense.

                  It is obvious that the only way to improve the operation of the File
                  Departments so that it full feels its objectives, is to change the
                  control system and some of this structure. These changes can be made
                  with  the  approval  of  Mr.  Brown,  who  has  dedicated  many  years  of
                  efficient and loyal service to the company.

                  Suggested changes:

                      a)  Establish a circuit control system, in which the files which
                         are needed by various departments would be given out to the
                         person whose names appears first on the requisition care and
                         returned by the last person used them there good also be a need
                         for a transferal card, which is person who uses the files would
                         sign,  and  there  be  take  on  the  responsibility  for  the

                      b)  I also recommend the used control, card within an alphabetical
                         guide  which  an  alphabetical  guide  which  corresponds  to  each
                         month and the number guides for each day this card file on Mr.
                         Browns  desks  would  enable  him  to  know  at  glares  where  the
                         documents are.

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