Page 7 - Why Choose LJ Hooker Beenleigh
P. 7

12.                       13.
                                                              Assistance with the       Our availability at any time
                                                              negotiation of the rental price   (during business hours)
          Provision and compilation of all Qld tenancy leases and bond
                                                              to ensure that you receive the   to discuss any queries or
          formsand all other associated Qld Residential Tenancy
                                                              highest current market price   concerns you may have
          Authority and agency forms and communications

          14.                       15.                       16.                       17.

          Scanning and emailing of all  Writing and organisation    Representation in Tenancy  The provision of a professional,
          tenancy leases and condition  of any special conditions    Tribunal (if necessary) on   centrally located, modern
          reports to you with the end of   to beimplemented on the   your behalf if there is any   equipped office, as a base
          month statement.          tenancy lease             ‘unforeseen’ tenancy      for themanagement of your
                                                              Tribunal issue that requires  property


          The provision of a well-trained, knowledgeable and
          professional investment property manager to care
          for your property                                    21.                        22.
                                                               The provision and          The provision of a secure,
                                                               organization of all        government regulated,
                                                               stationery, postage,       trust account for
                                                               photocopies, facsimiles,   the safe keeping of
                                                               telephone calls, emails    monies received in all
          19.                       20.                        etc and transport          rental transactions
                                                               required to complete
          The co-ordination of all   Payment of body corporate,
                                                               the tenancy agreement
          repairs and maintenance    rates etc if required
          of your property

          23.                                                 24.

          The provision of professional, trained secretarial and   To forward all monies from trust account at ‘month-end’
          administration support staff to support your senior   (or midmonth if desired) into your nominated bank account
          investment property manager

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