Page 8 - Why Choose LJ Hooker Beenleigh
P. 8

Tenant Acquisition

            Tour your property with you         Write advertisements and            Advise you on the best possible
            to enable us to make detailed       arrange their placement in          presentation of your property,
            notes on its features and           the respective media to ensure      so it creates a favourable first
            special points                      optimum tenancy enquiry             impression to potential tenants
                                                (if necessary)                      (thus ensuring maximum rental
                                                                                    $ return )

            Present you with a clear            Photograph your property for        Organize the erection of our
            and concise schedule of our         rental marketing purposes           ‘For Rent’ signboard at the front of
            agency fees                                                             your property to ensure maximum
                                                                                    market exposure and the sign’s
                                                                                    subsequent removal on the
                                                                                    successful tenancy of your property

            Write and prepare internet and      Screen and qualify potential        Keep you up to date with
            agency ‘For Rent’ promotional       tenants                             information regarding tenant
            material                                                                comments/enquiry by providing
                                                                                    you with a written weekly
                                                                                    progress report

            Ensure inspections of your          Check the lease and complete        Provide you with market
            investment property are             all other necessary paperwork       research regarding the rental
            conducted with the least            prior to signing by new tenant      of your property
            inconvenience to you and/
            or your current tenant , plus
            keeping security of your
            property in mind at all times

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