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Mk.9:1 “…until they see God’s Kingdom come with power.”

                                Volume 21                      Issue  1                      February/March 2017
                                                                    SEEC Magazine is published
                                                                    by     SEEC      Ministries
                                                                    International. SEEC stands for
                                                                    Strengthen, Encourage, Equip
                                                                    Church Ministries--1Co 14:3;
                                                                    Eph 4:12. This is our mission
                                                                    statement    and     SEEC
                                                                    Ministries  International  is
                                                                    attempting to accomplish that
                                                                    mission through ministry in
                                                                    local churches, around the
                                                                    globe,   in   conferences,
                                                                    seminars, through publishing,
                                                                    audio and video. For a catalog
                                                                    listing of the CDs and books
                                                                    available by Marty and Kathy  Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.               *                Thank you for sowing  into SEEC Ministries
                                                                    Gabler, send us an e-mail at:
                                                                    write us at our PO Box.
                                                                    SEEC Magazine is a bi-monthly
                                                                    publication.  It  is  for  the
                                                                    purpose   of    presenting
                                                                    teaching on the subjects of
                                                                    the Kingdom of God, prophecy,
                                                                    five-fold ministry, dreams and
                                                                    visions,  and  intercession.
                                                                    Though each of these subjects
                                                                    may not be covered in each
                                                                    issue, they will be covered
                                                                    through the course of the
                                                                    year’s publications.
                                                                    SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please send
                                                                    your name and address to
                                                                    SEEC Magazine  PO Box 298
                                                                    Coldspring,TX 77331-0298. A
                                                                    donation  of  $15.00/yr.  is
                                                                    suggested  to  help   with
                                                                    publication costs.
                                                                        Editor: Marty Gabler

                                                                        Office 936-653-4108
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