Page 6 - Vol21Iss1
P. 6
SEEC Magazine 6 February/March 2017
Kathy will be speaking at Kingdom Congress 2017.
God has made it plain that relationship is one of His primary concerns
and always will be. Learning to live with others is part of the maturing
process of our character and walking out our life purpose. Relationships
should enhance our lifetime and future, but they can also undermine both.
They are part of the challenge of everyday life and we will find some to
be rewarding, some to be taxing, some to be for a season, some to be for a
reason, some to be for a lifetime, some to be by choice and some to seem-
ingly be the result of unforeseen circumstances. Each has its own set of
distinctives and its own path, but all relationships require God’s wisdom
and our time and effort to be healthy.
Confess faults to one another, and pray for one another, that you
may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous one avails
much. (Jam. 5:16, Msg)
According to this scripture, if we have friends we can open up to and
admit our faults and pray for one another, we are positioned for healing.
When our faults or defects or failures or errors are acknowledged, the way
to pray becomes obvious. However, if our faults are not admitted, per-
haps because we can’t confess what we don’t even realize, they can block
this path to healing. Emotional issues or selfishness or destructive para-
digms or misbeliefs often stay under our own radar and keep confession
from being the starting place for healing. So, if it is obvious that a friend
is being unknowingly sabotaged by issues in their own heart-thinking, we
can then act on Gal 6:1 (Msg), “Brethren, if any person is overtaken in
misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are responsive to and controlled
by the Spirit should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without
any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, saving your critical