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SEEC  Magazine                      3                          February/March 2017

                                           Marty will be speaking at Kingdom Congress 2017.

                              As you are able to agree with and own these declarations (1) you will be
                              built up in your most holy faith (Jude 1:20) and (2) you will have a tool to
                              war with that can defeat the enemy at key points in the coming year.
                                 Each year I pray and ask the Lord for declarations to make  (1)  over
                              people within my sphere of influence, for  (2)  those with whom I have
                              some degree of influence and for  (3)  those who desire to claim them and
                              come into agreement with them in prayer. I am making these declarations
                              to those with whom I have a degree of influence (Paul said, “I stay in my
                              metron (Gk.)”—2Cor.10:13-15).
                                 These declarations are for (1) prayer points (points that we pray over
                              regularly) and (2) points of  agreement (points that we put agreement to
                              in the atmosphere—agreeing with the purposes of God and with one an-
                              other).  If you desire to be a recipient of and a participant in these declara-
                              tions, you should  (1)  agree and (2)  pray them through and (3)  declare
                              them (cf.Paul in Acts 27-in face of impossibilities and opposing views).
                              These will come by prayer (and perhaps fasting) and applying ourselves.
                                 Each year individuals, churches and prayer groups join us in prayer
                              and  agreement  throughout  the  year  over  the  declarations  believing  God
                              for His  redemptive intervention in our lives,  our churches and in our na-
                              tion  and  for  enablement  for  our  Lord’s  Kingdom  purposes.    Each  year
                              individuals contact us to tell us about the declarations coming to pass in
                              their lives after they have claimed them and prayed them through the year.
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