Page 2 - 2021 Missions Brochure
P. 2
“And He gave some, apostles;
and some, prophets; and some, Final Harvest Ministries Dr. Gerald Johnson
evangelists; and some, pastors and
teachers…” Eph. 4:11 Teacher/Evangelist Dr. Johnson, like so many
others, has not been able to preach in churches
due to COVID restrictions placed earlier this
It is a high honor and privilege to present year. He and his wife have also been doing one
to you these kingdom leaders who have on one evangelism. They hope to start a podcast
been called to serve the people and by the end of the year. They both continue
to do everything they can do to advance the
nations of the world. Kingdom in
their sphere
Some are students and some are apostolic fathers. Some work on the streets of influence.
of the inner city while some labor in prayer and intercession in remote
places of the world. Some write books, some host conferences for training,
encouragement, and equipping. Some fight the war on addiction, while
others are fighting for the life of the unborn. Some oversee the medical arts
and others release the gospel through the creative arts. Some walk the halls
of congress while others walk and pray in the Old City of Jerusalem. Some
work behind the scenes and others on the very visible front lines.
All of these servants on the following pages are trusted friends and co-
laborers of the gospel. Many of these leaders will visit us throughout the year
so you can meet them personally. They are all relationship builders! We pray
for them, communicate with them, and support them in their unique calling. Leadership International Dr. Don Crum
Only in the eternal future will we see the full blessing of our part of touching Dr. Don Crum travels nationally
the world though this partnership. and internationally and oversees
hundreds of churches as an
Our method of underwriting these projects in a public auction-like style may apostolic father to many leaders.
be unique, but it seems to release faith, thanksgiving, and celebration. If you Months before the biological
weapon attack of Covid, the Lord
prefer, you can make your missions giving privately. We encourage everyone led Dr. Don to set up a simple video
to join us as we impact the world from Marietta, Ohio. broadcast studio in their home.
When Covid hit and the lock down
came, it became clear to them why.
The two commissions given by Jesus before His ascension are found in Matt Adapting to international travel
28 and Mark 16. The Harvest Commission to take the gospel to the ends of restrictions, he began doing a lot
the earth and the Great Commission to disciple the nations should always be of live broadcasts and teachings
kept in clear focus in our lives. Let’s grow together in this endeavor! from the home studio into China,
Taiwan, Ethiopia and Mexico with
great results and response. Dr. Don
sends much thanks to the kind and generous prayer and giving of our FGC family,
Advancing & Growing! as he continues to minister to the nations and their leaders. Our project this year
is to purchase a new camera to help with their broadcasting needs.
Pastor Rodney