Page 7 - 2021 Missions Brochure
P. 7
Turkey Mike and Mollie Haught Israel - US Colette Cheramie - 2020 Recommission
Mike and Mollie are long-distance missionaries. After many years ministering in Israel in
They continue to support mission work in intercessory prayer, Colette felt led to return to the
Turkey and various other countries. Their United States last year to engage in prayer for our
emphasis is on media outreach, children, nation in conjunction with the elections. She has
and Bible translation and distribution. Radio traveled to many states leading and participating
and television programming continues to in intercessory gatherings for awakening and
be extremely effective outreaches for the r ef orma tion,
Gospel in Muslim nations. As the government including a trip to
continues to persecute the Christians in Turkey, the Northwest Coast
the work that we are supporting through Mike and several trips to
and Mollie is more significant than ever. Media Kansas City to join
ministry broadcasting into this predominantly Muslim nation is filling a void with IHOP
that is not being filled by other means at this moment in history. The Haughts (International House
are partnering with Crossover Global’s of Prayer). Her heart
The Strategic Turkish Initiative and Mars has always been to be directed by the Holy Spirit as
Hill Productions to to her next assignments. She is close friends with
employ powerful someone who is working on a strategic project for
tools to preach the communications based out of Israel. Colette feels
gospel. like the Lord may be leading her to return to Israel
as part of that team next spring. Colette has been
blessed to have been home with her family this
year to celebrate some milestones and holidays.
Waves of Glory-Ghana Apostle Kwasi Appiah Merida, Mexico Mark and Altia Legters
Our long friendship and relationship with Mark and Altia are seasoned church planters
Apostle Kwasi is a blessing. From his base in Merida, Mexico. They teach advanced Bible
in Kumasi, Ghana, Apostle Kwasi travels classes, serve as interpreters, and connect with
extensively throughout Africa to spread the local governmental leaders. This past year Altia
gospel. His trips into rural, desert communities had the opportunity to serve in governmental
have yielded several new church plants despite places of influence. They often host ministries
the strong Muslim influence. Kwasi is an coming into their region to strengthen the
apostolic father to several younger pastors and church in Mexico. The Legters recently were
an advisor to some governmental leaders. involved in a large Pro-Life march.
The $3000 investment contributed last year
by Freedom Gate Church for an ultrasound
machine for Kwasi’s health clinic was a huge
blessing. The government insisted that
Kwasi have a part-time physician on staff,
in addition to a physician’s assistant.
Other supporters of his ministry helped
raise the funds to hire Dr. Gabriel Asiedu.
The clinic is functioning at a high level
and is highly regarded in that region.
Their current goal is to take the clinic to
the next level.