Page 10 - 2021 Missions Brochure
P. 10

Gospel Mission Food Pantry Marietta                                            High On Hope Tim Craft

                                                                                                           High on Hope, a ministry to those  who battle drug
                         The pantry continues to serve the Marietta area with food,                        addiction in the Mid Ohio Valley, has expanded this past
                         toiletries, clothing and more. This local pantry serves over                      year by getting a building in Parkersburg where they can
                         200 people weekly in Marietta. Jeff and Candy Waite do an                         meet regularly. They continue to do many outreaches
                         excellent job of touching people’s lives for Jesus, offering                      and plan to do more as pandemic restrictions lift. The
                         prayer and free Bibles to anyone  who comes for food                              team has traveled to Akron and Logan, WV. They have
                         assistance. They also have a clothes closet and do local                          helped hundreds  of addicts  get treatment.  Outdoor
                         shoebox gifts for needy children at Christmas.                                    meetings are regularly held at the City Park, Point Park
                                                                                                           and Civitan Park. Tim and Abby Craft are working on a
                                                                                      treatment facility for women in Vincent, OH, that they hope to launch in early
                                                                                      Our support this year will go to a new project called Reach the Streets, a monthly
                                                                                      opportunity to feed people.
       Latrobe Street Mission Parkersburg
                                                                                      Young Life Kirk Wilson
       The Latrobe Street Mission in Parkersburg continues to
       house many people each night who have no place to stay.                        After essentially being forced to close last year due to the
       Additionally, the separate facility for sober living opened                    pandemic, Young Life is coming back strong. Young Life is a
       on October 1st, 2019. A sober living facility is a safe place to               relational ministry to high schoolers. They are now meeting
       rehab. This will serve as an interim environment between                       on Wednesdays for Game Night and on Thursdays for Open
       rehab and mainstream society for men who have already                          Gym at  South Parkersburg Baptist Church, conveniently
       been through treatment. Our funds will help maintain all that is being done at   located beside the high school. Kirk  Wilson leads this
       the Mission to provide shelter to those who are needing this temporary housing.  outreach and is happy to report  WildLife (an equivalent
                                                                                      outreach to junior high age students) is ready to kick off at
                                                                                      Jackson Middle School in Vienna.
                                                                                      The third branch of this ministry is Young Lives, a mentorship program to support
       Kim Duskey’s Bible Club                                                        and come alongside teen moms.

                                     Kim Duskey is a teacher in a local school who    Fellowship Of Christian Students Joe Duskey
                                     has been leading the Bible Club for many
                                     years. She genuinely cares for her students                         Joe is the student leader of a new group at Fort Frye high
                                     and their families. In addition to an after-                        school where he is reaching out to other students. Their
                                     school club, she tries to expose the children                       weekly meetings are sponsored by his aunt, Stephanie
                                     to Christian outreach events and help them                          Lang. The group is served pizza each week at a cost of $50
                                     learn  about  the  Operation  Christmas  Child                      and Joe would appreciate support for this outreach.
                                     shoebox ministry.
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