Page 5 - 2021 Missions Brochure
P. 5

FMCI Apostle Jim Hodges  Impartation Ministries International Ben Holloway

 “Bro. Jim” is the apostlic leader and president of   Ben  Holloway  is  a  traveling
 the FMCI network. With over 50 years of ministry   evangelist  that  we  were
 around the world, he is known by many as a leading   introduced to about 12  years
 voice in teaching on the Kingdom of God. As a   ago by Dr. Crum. Ben plans to go
 teaching apostle, he has been used extensively   back to  Villahermosa, Mexico
 in  Bible  schools, conferences,  leadership   (Covid notwithstanding) by
 gatherings and local churches. In his early years,   the  end of the  year  where  he
 he came to the MOV to teach and preach on the   gives apostolic oversight to
 Hol y                                          ten churches in the state of
 S p i r i t .                                  Tobasco. The  Disciple-Making
 Since the early 1990’s he has been             Movement he’s involved  with
 an apostolic father to Freedom Gate            in Honduras has over 20,000
 Church, and  we are always blessed to          groups,   weekly   reaching
 have him minister here annually at our   211,000 people, over 13,000 first-time decisions for Christ per week and 2500
 Spring Conference.  Recently, Apostle   baptisms per month, working with 42 denominations in a Catholic nation.
 Jim went to Houston to a church led by   Ben and others are hosting a
 two Venezuelans and from there taught   conference in  November  for the
 six other nations on Imprecatory Prayer.       international zoom call network he
 International travel to Mexico and   started in April 2020.  He thought
 Ghana will resume as travel opens up.   the call  would last for 2 weeks, but
       it is now in the 78th consecutive
 The title of his newest book is “Battle   week!
 For Earth: Globalism VS Nationhood.”

       Street Life Ministries David and Robin Van Fleet

       StreetLife  is  an  urban  ministry  located  in  New
       York City.   They bring transformation through
 Creative Missions International Jim and Ann Mills  their homeless outreach, prayer stations, short-
       term mission trips, and internships. Our long
 The  Mills  have  lived  in  Europe  for  several   relationship with the Van Fleets has been a blessing
 decades where they have used the Arts as a   as a training ground for missions for our church
 Gospel outreach tool in a very secular part   family. David and Robin Van Fleet continue to reach
 of the world.Their Artists of Faith network   out to the poor in New York CIty, providing food
 spans 12 EU countries, and they have active   and clothing to the homeless. David also provides
 events and ongoing ministry in 9 European   referrals for these people to get assistance, help,
 nations.   counseling, and shelter. He hopes to resume his
 The Mills                               annual
 were in                                 trip to Brazil in 2022.  FGC sent a
 Finland                                 team to New York City this summer to
 last month. They also recently celebrated an   spend a week at StreetLife. The 19 team
 amazing art exhibit by a Creative Arts Europe   members came back with life changing
 artist in Denmark.                      testimonies of the goodness of God
                                         and experiences they will never forget.
                                         Earlier this  year, Pam  Woodford and
                                         Rebecca Loeber also  represented FGC
                                         on another outreach of this ministry
                                         called Beautiful Ones.
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