Page 8 - 2021 Missions Brochure
P. 8

International Leadership Embassy Dr. Hope Taylor                               Strategic Mission Fund FGC

       Hope has served as President of International                                                                    This contingency fund  meets needs not
       Leadership Embassy since its inception in 2004.                                                                  specifically addressed in our conference.
       ILE’s emphasis the past  year has been leading                                                                   We help with unexpected expenses such
       weekly prayer teams focused on America, her                                                                      as flooding or assisting missionaries
       current challenges and her eternal purposes as                                                                   with  an  immediate  need. This year we
       ordained by Father.  Through zoom meetings,                                                                      helped Richard Jolliff’s church fund a
       conference calls and some in-person leaders                                                                      mission trip, shipped boxes of clothing
       conferences, ILE continues to be a passionate                                                                    to Street Life, fixed comfort baskets for
       voice mobilizing & educating the church. Since                                                                   the medical staff at Marietta Memorial
       2004 ILE has identified with and heralded Captain                                                                on  3 occasions  and  helped our  friend
       Nathan Hale’s historic final  words before being                                                                 Tom Demaree  with his current prayer
       hung by the British in New York City in 1776: “I only                                                            walk assignment.  This fund helps us
       regret that I have but one life to lose for my country!’                                                         respond to outreach needs in a timely
       ILE accompanied a team of Kingdom leaders in late 2020 traveling to numerous                                     manner.
                                 strategic sites rallying prayer, faith and
                                 engagement in light of the political & cultural      Women’s Care Center Parkersburg
                                 upheaval around the 2020 Presidential election.
                                 ILE’s cry to America continues to be ‘America’s      Women’s Care Center is a medical clinic that
                                 best days are ahead!’
                                                                                      provides positive solutions for  women  who are
                                                                                      dealing with a planned or unplanned pregnancy.
                                                                                      They have been in operation since 1991 serving
                                                                                      thousands of women, their partners and families.
                                                                                      They are  a compassionate, frontline ministry
                                                                                      making a difference in the lives of moms and babies
       New India Evangelical Association Dr. Alex Philip                              in the Mid-Ohio Valley. Their ability to counsel, as well as perform ultrasounds
                                                                                      (163 done the first half of this  year), has changed the minds of expectant
                              Dr. Alex Phillips is an amazing Kingdom builder         mothers who go on to give birth to their babies instead of aborting them. Their
                              in India.  He is both a medical doctor and an           state of the art facilities include exam and consultation rooms as  well as a
                              apostolic  father raising  up churches  and leaders.    baby supply store/closet. With the addition of new staff members and a full
                              The  fledgling work                                                                        slate of  volunteers, there is growing
                              in Nepal continues                                                                         momentum as  WCC returned to the
                              to grow.  While the                                                                        schools this fall with their message of
                              pandemic has greatly                                                                       abstinence.
                              affected  the  way
                              NIEA operates, it has
       actually increased their needs. Schools must                                                                     Teen Mission Trip
       now operate remotely which is quite a challenge
       in Bihar  with limited internet access. COVID                                                                  We sent a large team to New  York City
       cases taxed the clinic to the maximum, but the staff continued to persevere                                    this summer to do street ministry.  We
       and the peak has subsided. Dr. Alex and his team have finally gotten a  well                                   were able to supplement the team
                                                      deserved  rest. We will                                         in  a substantial  way  because of  your
                                                      continue sponsoring the                                         generosity to give towards this fund. Let’s
                                                      disadvantaged children.                                         continue to invest in our  young people.
                                                                                                                      They  are  world  changers, and  we  can
                                                                                                                      help give them opportunities to let them
                                                      Building under                                                  realize that.
                                                      construction is the
                                                      nursing school.
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