Page 183 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 183
The Company will compensate the Insured or the Insured's estate a er bodily injury as a result of a Motorcycle Accident as de ned which directly results in death, permanent total disability and/or medical expenses but not exceeding the amount stated in the Schedule.
Enroute Motorcycle Insurance
the person who takes out this Policy and is named as the policyholder in the Schedule
Insured Person
means the Insured being conveyed on a Motorcycle at the me of the Motorcycle Accident
a self-propelled motorcycle which is a two-wheel or three-wheel motorcycle licensed to operate on public roads, including motorcycles with a sidecar, licensed to carry up to 2 (two) persons, one being the driver and the other a passenger also referred to as a pillion rider, and registered in the Republic of South Africa. Four-wheel motorcycles and the like, and motorcycles not licensed to operate on public roads are excluded and not covered in terms of this Policy
Motorcycle Accident
a sudden unexpected accident or a series of accidents resul ng from the same cause occurring at a speci c place and me on a public highway within the Territorial Limits and during the period of Insurance involving the Insured as driver or passenger on a Motorcycle as de ned
Bodily Injury
physical trauma or bodily injury to the Insured resul ng from a Motorcycle Accident which physical trauma or bodily injury injures or disables the Insured totally independently from any other physical or mental disability, defect, in rmity or cause that existed prior to the Motorcycle Accident and which physical trauma or bodily injury results in:
1. Death or Permanent Total Disability within 24 (twenty four) months of the Motorcycle Accident; and/or
2. Medical expenses incurred within 24 (twenty four) months of the Motorcycle Accident
Permanent Total Disability
the total, absolute and permanent disablement as a result of a bodily injury which prevents the Insured following his or her usual occupa on or any other occupa on for which he or she is suited by educa on or training
Medical Expenses
expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred within 24 (twenty four) months of the date of the road accident for medical, surgical, dental, ophthalmic, hospital treatment and/or emergency travel costs
Medical Prac oner
a legally quali ed medical prac oner other than the Insured or a member of his/her immediate family
Bene t
the applicable amount of compensa on paid to the Insured, subject always to the Terms and Condi ons of this Sec on, the amount stated in or determined by the Schedule
Period of Insurance
that period for which the Insured has paid the requisite premium and the Company has agreed to provide the insurance on the terms and condi ons of this Sec on
the insurance contract entered into between the Company and the Insured consis ng of this Policy wording and the Schedule and any endorsements or amendments as may be made to it from me to me
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