Page 186 - Hollard Business Branch Policy Wording
P. 186

Enroute Motorcycle Insurance
this Excep on shall not apply to an Insured who was a passenger at the  me of the Motorcycle Accident and was not aware that the driver was not in possession of a valid driver's licence, subject to the onus being on the Insured to prove that he or she was not aware that the driver was not in possession of a valid driver's licence at the  me of the Motorcycle Accident;
7. the Insured being under the in uence of drugs or narco cs at the  me of the Motorcycle Accident unless such drugs or narco cs were administered by a quali ed medical prac  oner or prescribed by and taken in accordance with the direc ons of a medical prac  oner;
8. the Insured driving a motorcycle with more than the legal limit of alcohol in his/her blood;
9. or caused by or contributed to by any psychiatric, mental or nervous condi ons of any kind, including mental impairment and psychopathic disorders, depression, major a ec ve disorders, psycho c and neuro c condi ons and all stress and anxiety related disorders;
10. or caused by or contributed by any congenital condi on.
Hollard Business Policy – Branch – Version 1 2018 Page | 185

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