Page 11 - AreaNewsletters "June 2020" issue
P. 11

Happy to work with you virtually, online.
By Lana Paul, Lighting The Way Certi ed Grief Recovery Specialist
Lighting the Way through
Social Distancing
We are getting close to three months of some version of social distancing. I am curious if it has taken a toll on your relationships? Some relationships may remain strong, but many have changed. I would bet we all have witnessed shifting and changing. Some I know have giv- en up their jobs and moved closer to extended families. Others have withdrawn from their social circles. Over and over though I hear stories of the desire for things to return to normal, at least for our social connections.
The feelings we experience as a result of these changes is called grief. We all know that feeling when a friend or loved one dies. We can easily identify that as grief. I would love for you to consider expanding your de nition and your awareness of your feelings as it relates to a change of any kind.
And along with your willingness to expand your aware- ness, let’s talk about comparing losses. From certain perspectives, I would guess some could make an argu- ment that this loss is bigger than that loss. What if we were to simply stop making these comparisons? How would it feel to believe that a high school senior’s loss is felt at 100%, at least in their world? We could make comparisons to other graduating classes but that would be like comparing 2 pieces of fruit, an apple and an orange, the same species but very different.
How about not being with a loved one when they were dying because of the restrictions. I could imagine feeling an enormous amount of grief over this. Does it compare to the high school senior’s loss? It is apples and oranges and to each individual potentially devastating.
To continue the conversation about what you are feeling, click here to connect.
11 Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • June 2020

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