Page 15 - AreaNewsletters "June 2020" issue
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CRCGS Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society Genealogy
Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society (CRCGS)
CRCGS is a recognized non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible. All programs and classes are offered free of charge, unless otherwise noted, thanks to the support of our members and their annual dues. All regular CRCGS functions occur at the Philip S. Miller Library, 100 Wilcox St., Castle Rock, CO 80104 unless otherwise noted in the event description. If you would like to help continue this valuable effort in our community, please pick up a membership form in person, or download one from our website. Annual dues are $30 for an individual, $40 per household (2), Youth (under 18) $25. Please visit our website, for more information.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Zoom Webinar
Genealogical Proof for the Everyday Genealogist (Class)
by Annette Burke Lyttle
How do we know if the facts we’ve uncovered about our ancestors are correct? How do we
avoid attaching somebody else’s ancestors to our family tree? The Genealogical Proof
Standard (GPS) is our guide to producing reliable research results. This introduction to the
Genealogical Proof Standard will get your research moving in the right direction and help you
avoid errors and frustration. Annette Burke Lyttle owns Heritage Detective, LLC, providing professional genealogical services in research, education, and writing. She speaks on a variety of genealogical topics at the national, state, and local levels and loves helping people uncover and share their family stories. She is a faculty member for "Exploring Quaker Records in America" at the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh in June 2020 and course coordinator for "From Sea to Shining Sea: Researching Our Ancestors' Migrations in America" for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy in January 2021. Annette is a member of the board of directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists. Registration closes Monday, June 8 at 5:00 at
Saturday, June 20, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Zoom Webinar
Lost Women (Program) by Kathy Tarullo
Are you struggling trying to find your great grandmother’s maiden name? Finding information
on females in our family trees can often be a challenge since most early records were made by
men and about men. Come learn specific research technics to help you flesh out the
information needed on your family tree. Using FAN research methodology and a wide variety
of record types you might just get lucky enough to discover that illusive maiden name. Kathy
Tarullo received her bachelor’s in Family History from Brigham Young University and is a
recent ProGen 40 graduate. She is currently on staff with Apex Colorado Recreation District
teaching beginning genealogy classes and a Beyond the Basics lecture series. Registration closes Friday, June 15 at 5:00 at
SHARE: Sharing Help And Research Experience via Zoom Webinar
Every Monday 10 a.m. – Noon
Join us on Monday mornings, when the library is open, to share Genealogy research roadblocks and triumphs, pick up a few trick and tips, and hear some great family stories from your fellow genealogists. Registration required at
If you’re interested in becoming a member in 2020 or need to renew your Membership?
15 Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • June 2020