Page 13 - AreaNewsletters "Jan 2021" issue
P. 13

Spirituality is the nature of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. The shifting of priorities from physical parts of life (and things not in our control) to deep feelings and beliefs which usually involve a sense of peace and purpose.
Doesn’t that sound better then the roller coaster of 2020?
What are some ways to intentionally set our minds towards a more spiritual new year?
Here are a few:
1. 2.
3. 4.
Here are some statements to get you thinking....
I will live in the present moment and not be consumed with the past or future I will cultivate relationships that bring me joy
I will seek spiritual mentors and practice seeing things sacred all around me I will cultivate conversations that matter and connect with my soul
I will give up perfection and embrace all of me - even the shadow side
I will cultivate listening with a curious and deeper awareness
I will practice kindness, whether in action or in words of encouragement
All of us at Authentic Connections Counseling Center wish you a 2021 of renewal and hope! If you would like to discuss this more and are looking for a spiritual director, check out our website, there are 4 therapists who actually specialize in spiritual direction.
Get Quiet. Settle in with some deep breathing. Or play your favorite instrumentals to calm your spirit. Or get outside on one of our many trails. Or slowly and mindfully drink your favorite cup of tea.
Re ect... what is coming up for you (thoughts, feelings, body sensations)? What was last year like? What was good? What was hard? What do you envision for the future? What are your hopes? This is also a good time to invite God into this and seek what He is saying.
Be Discerning: Whatalignswithsomeofyourtruevalues?Whatneedstochange? What can stay? Where do you feel most peace? Follow the peace.
Symbol: What represents a new beginning for you this year? A rock? A picture? An animal? Intentionally get something that symbolizes your intentions for the new year and make a statement of this while holding your symbol. Feel free to take some time on this if this doesn’t come to you right away.
13 Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters • January 2021

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