Page 50 - AreaNewsletters "July 2022" issue
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be run as a business.
The Fair has proved to be the biggest
advertisement for Douglas County of anything that has been given in recent years, and the annual gathering will be looked forward to with pleasure by all who attended the fair this fall, for they realize that there will be something worth seeing.”
The September 15, 1905 edition of the Castle Rock Journal stated that the premiums list for the second annual Douglas County Fair was ready and to call the o cers for it.
It seems that Rodeos appear to have been hosted by ranches before the Fairgrounds were complete, including Bert Lowell in 1921, Charles Hier in 1926-1927, and there was a Charles Hier Ranch/Jarre Creek Rodeo at some point. The Littleton Rodeo put on by Arapahoe County in 1921 and 1922 was attended by Douglas County residents. The Castle Rock Journal, dated September 9, 1921 told about Miss Esmee Harcourt of Sedalia, who entered the girls’ relay race and won second place in the  rst day’s race. “She undoubtedly would have won  rst
place but one of
her horses thought
for a time that he
was in a bucking
contest instead
of a race. Miss
Harcourt received
a prize of $25. The
next day, however,
Miss Harcourt
won  rst place in
the relay race and thereby became
the proud possessor of a $125 saddle. It is unnecessary to state that she is very proud of her achievement.”
The September 22, 1922 edition of the Castle Rock Journal has a great  nal paragraph about the Fair: “And don’t forget the barbeque on the last day. There will be plenty for all, for the Fair Board insists that they are prepared
to feed all of Colorado! Turn out with the whole family, get acquainted with your neighbors even if that neighbor is all the way across the county from you. You’ll feel better for another year if you rub shoulders with the crowd of workers in the great outdoors in the best county in the best state in the greatest country in the world!”
July 2022 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” 50

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