Page 107 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 107

Rogue Community   College

       Technology   and Equipment Fund
       Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
       (Non­GAAP Budgetary Basis) ­ Budget and Actual
       For the year ended June 30, 2020
                                                                                                        Variance ­
                                                            Budgeted Amounts                             Positive
                                                         Original         Final           Actual        (Negative)
        Tuition and fees                             $   1,344,512    $   1,183,655    $  1,183,782   $        127
        Other revenue sources                             102,000            2,000              600         (1,400)
           Total revenues                                1,446,512       1,185,655         1,184,382        (1,273)
        Instruction                                       345,098          493,200          384,490        108,710
        Instructional support services                     23,000           22,366           14,862          7,504
        Student services                                   15,580           15,580                0         15,580
        College   support services                       1,538,023       1,616,020         1,274,848       341,172
        Plant operations and maintenance                   10,000           24,400           10,900         13,500

        Contingency                                        90,000           90,261                0         90,261
          Total expenditures                             2,021,701       2,261,827         1,685,100       576,727
           Revenues over (under) expenditures            (575,189)      (1,076,172)        (500,718)       575,454

       Other financing   sources (uses):
        Transfers in                                      383,448          513,448          470,522        (42,926)

        Transfers Out                                     255,126           15,000           12,845          2,155
         Total other financing sources (uses)             128,322          498,448          457,677        (40,771)

          Revenues and other   sources over (under)
            expenditures and other uses                  (446,867)        (577,724)         (43,041)       534,683
       Fund balance,   beginning of year                  446,867          577,724          577,721             (3)

       Fund balance,   end of year                   $          0     $          0     $    534,680   $    534,680

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