Page 105 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 105

Rogue Community College

       Self‐Support Fund
       Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
       (Non‐GAAP Budgetary Basis) ‐ Budget and Actual
       For the year ended June 30, 2020
                                                                                                        Variance ‐
                                                            Budgeted Amounts                             Positive
                                                        Original          Final           Actual        (Negative)
        State sources                                $    133,560     $    133,560     $     76,305   $    (57,255)
        Tuition and fees                                  882,816          797,816          524,258       (273,558)
        Other revenue sources                             100,000          100,000            8,701        (91,299)
          Total revenues                                 1,116,376       1,031,376          609,264       (422,112)

        Instruction                                       615,331          621,022          417,803        203,219
        Instructional support services                    665,239          659,548          557,005        102,543
        Contingency                                       182,329          182,329                0        182,329
          Total expenditures                             1,462,899       1,462,899          974,808        488,091
          Revenues over (under) expenditures             (346,523)        (431,523)        (365,544)        65,979
       Other financing sources (uses):
         Transfers in                                     232,466          317,466          266,373        (51,093)
         Transfers out                                    (35,000)         (35,000)           (998)         34,002
          Total other financing sources (uses)            197,466          282,466          265,375        (17,091)
            Revenues and other sources over (under)
            expenditures and other uses                  (149,057)        (149,057)        (100,169)        48,888
       Fund balance, beginning of year                    149,057          149,057          177,570         28,513
       Fund balance, end of year                     $          0     $          0     $     77,401   $     77,401

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