Page 101 - 2019-20 CAFR
P. 101
Rogue Community College
Financial Aid Fund
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
(NonGAAP Budgetary Basis) Budget and Actual
For the year ended June 30, 2020
Budgeted Amounts Positive
Original Final Actual (Negative)
Federal sources $ 23,397,006 $ 23,397,006 $ 16,395,049 $ (7,001,957)
State sources 5,700,000 5,700,000 3,839,044 (1,860,956)
Local sources 500,000 500,000 472,278 (27,722)
Total revenues 29,597,006 29,597,006 20,706,371 (8,890,635)
Student financial aid 29,562,006 29,562,006 20,687,376 8,874,630
Total expenditures 29,562,006 29,562,006 20,687,376 8,874,630
Revenues over (under) expenditures 35,000 35,000 18,995 (16,005)
Other financing sources (uses):
Transfers in 0 0 8,242 8,242
Transfers out (35,000) (35,000) (27,237) 7,763
Total other financing sources (uses) (35,000) (35,000) (18,995) 16,005
Revenues and other sources over (under)
expenditures and other uses 0 0 0 0
Fund balance, beginning of year 0 0 0 0
Fund balance, end of year $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0